Concubine. To marry the king's widow was deemed an attempt upon the throne, 3 Kings ii. 22. Hence Solomon was so displeased at Adonias, ver. 24. Some think that Isboseth formed the accusation on mere conjecture; but Abner does not deny the fact. (Calmet) --- Dog's head: of no account, like a dead dog; (Haydock) or no better than a servant, who leads a dog. The Jews considered the dog as one of the vilest of animals, chap. ix. 8., and Job xxx. 1. --- Juda. This word is neglected by the Septuagint. Some would substitute Liduth, "to be cast away." (Calmet) --- God permits the defenders of a wrong cause to fall out, that the right one may be advanced. (Worthington)

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