_Circumcised him. Not to obstruct the conversion of the Jews; and
because it was still lawful to observe the Jewish ceremonies, though
the obligation of keeping the old law had ceased. (Witham) --- This
St. Paul did in order to gain the Jews, and make Timothy acceptable to
them. (Tirinus) --- To the... [ Continue Reading ]
Here, as well as in the last verse of the former chapter, we see St.
Paul ordering the new converts, wherever he went, to receive, as their
rule of conduct, the ordinances of the apostles and priests assembled
in Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]
_They were forbidden by the Holy Ghost, to go, and preach at that time
in the Lesser Asia [Asia Minor], perhaps because their preaching in
Macedonia was more necessary; or because St. John was to be sent into
Asia [Asia Minor]. (Witham) --- Forbidden. Why? Because they were not
yet prepared to recei... [ Continue Reading ]
_The spirit of Jesus permitted them not. It is the same spirit, which
just before was called the Holy Ghost: for the Holy Ghost is the
spirit of Jesus, as proceeding from the Son as well as from the
Father. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_A vision, &c. The tutelar angel of the province, according to most
interpreters, under the form of a Macedonian, who implored St. Paul in
behalf of the province he guarded._... [ Continue Reading ]
_We. This change in the narration from the third, to the first person,
we sought, &c. is remarkable. It is hence inferred, that St. Luke, the
author of this book, joined St. Paul at Troas, and became his
inseparable companion. (Calmet) --- It is, however, probable, that as
the narrative in the first... [ Continue Reading ]
_There was prayer. [1] The Greek word signifies either prayer itself,
or an oratory, or place to pray in. (Witham) --- Not every prayer is
here understood, but that which was joined in the celebration of the
sacred mysteries. (Estius, in different location.) See 1 Corinthians
vii. and Acts vi._
[BI... [ Continue Reading ]
_A pythonical spirit. A spirit pretending to divination, to tell
secrets, and things to come. See 2 Kings xxviii; Isaias viii. 19.
(Witham) --- A divining spirit, which pretended to foretell things to
come. It is strictly forbidden every where throughout the old law to
have any dealings with persons... [ Continue Reading ]
_These men are the servants of the most high God. Evil spirits in
possessed people, are sometimes forced to tell the truth. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here that the servants of God have a power granted them of
controlling wicked spirits, according to the promise of our Lord, Luke
ix. and x. Hence the seventy disciples, returning, said: _Lord, even
the devils are subject to us in thy name. (Estius, in different
location)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Jews. this was the name the first Christians went by among the
pagans. Indeed our Saviour's being born of that nation, and his
disciples adoring the same God, and following the same morality and
Scriptures as the Jews, were sufficient reasons to make them
confounded. When Suetonius relates that Cla... [ Continue Reading ]
There was a standing decree of the senate, which forbade the
introduction of any new divinity, without the formal consent of the
senate. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
_Made their feet fast in the stocks. By the Latin and Greek text, they
made them fast with wood. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_All the doors were opened. This made the jailer conclude the
prisoners had made their escape. And he being answerable for them, and
expecting to be put to death, was for stabbing himself. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Was baptized, being first told what he was to believe, and do.
(Witham) --- Hence Catholics draw a very plausible argument for the
baptism of infants, as it is very probable there were some infants in
the family. See Estius, in different location._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sent the serjeants, [2] vergers, or such like officers. (Witham)_
Lictores, _Greek: rabduchous, vergers, rod-bearers._... [ Continue Reading ]
Romans. St. Paul inherited his right of citizenship from his father;
it does not appear how Silas obtained it, perhaps by purchase. There
is no proof that Silas was a freeman of Rome. (Denis the Carthusian)
--- It was forbidden by the Porcian and Sempronian laws, for a Roman
citizen to be scourged,... [ Continue Reading ]