_We. From the change of the narration to the first person again, it
would appear St. Luke had rejoined the apostle. This writer modestly
omits the reason of his accompanying St. Paul, who tells us it was at
his own request, (2 Corinthians viii. 19.) that no suspicion might be
entertained that he app... [ Continue Reading ]
_On the first day of the week. [1] The interpreters generally take
notice with St. John Chrysostom, that the Christians, even at this
time, must have changed the sabbath into the first day of the week, as
all Christians now keep it. Which change (even as to the manner of
keeping one of God's ten com... [ Continue Reading ]
_His soul is in him. He was taken up dead. (ver. 9.) These words then
of St. Paul, may either signify that now he is again alive, or will be
in a very short time, as when Christ said, (Matthew ix. 24.) The girl
is not dead, but asleep. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Alive. This accident, which gave occasion to a great miracle, was
ordained by the particular providence of God, in order to confirm the
preaching of St. Paul, and to fix more deeply in the hearts of his
disciples the words of their dear Master, who was just going to leave
them. Admire likewise the... [ Continue Reading ]
_He called the ancients of the Church. We might translate the bishops,
as the very same persons in the 28th verse are called bishops.
(Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_With all humility; that is, of heart, or mind, as the Greek word
signifies. He knew, says St. John Chrysostom, how necessary this
virtue of humility was for the ministers of the gospel. --- With tears
of charity and compassion, under temptations, trials, and
persecutions. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I have kept back, &c. I have discovered to you every thing which can
be useful to your salvation. Neither fear, nor any human
considerations, have prevailed over me to disguise or suppress the
truths, which might be serviceable to you. This is the model of a good
pastor. Full of doctrine, and of ze... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bound in the spirit, lead by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. (Witham)
--- Chained, and forced, as it were, by the Holy Spirit, who offers me
a sweet violence; or I am so strongly persuaded of the chains, which
await me at Jerusalem, that I already feel myself bound in idea.
(Calmet) --- I no go to J... [ Continue Reading ]
_In every city. There were in every city Christian prophets, who
foretold to Paul the tribulations which awaited him. It appears, then,
that the apostle did not know these things by immediate revelation
made to himself, but by that made to the prophets. Of this we have a
proof in the next chapter._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Neither do I count my life (literally, my soul) more precious than
myself, having consecrated all my endeavours, my thoughts, my life, my
whole self, body and soul, to God's service. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I know, &c. It appears sufficiently evident, from many parts of St.
Paul's epistles, that he not only designed, but likewise, according to
the opinion of most able critics, actually did revisit the churches of
Asia. Of this occasion, then, he only expresses his belief, his
conviction, that he shoul... [ Continue Reading ]
_Take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock. The ministers of the
gospel must in the first place take care of the salvation of their own
souls: and in the next place of the salvation of their flock, of the
souls committed to their care, and to the Church; especially such
ministers of God as are b... [ Continue Reading ]
_To the word of his grace, to the protection of God's grace, given to
those that preach the gospel, and administer the sacraments instituted
by Christ. --- Who is able to build up, to finish that building, of
which the foundation is laid by my preaching. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_These hands have furnished, by labouring to maintain myself, &c.
(Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_ It is more blessed to give than to receive. We find not these words
of Christ in the gospels. St. Paul might have them from the apostles.
(Witham) --- Among the many excellent examples of good things our dear
Lord said, and which are not mentioned in the gospel, this is one: "it
is a more blessed... [ Continue Reading ]
They kissed him. These marks of tenderness are dictated by nature, and
have always been used between friends, who were separating from each
other, or who meet after a long absence. The Scripture furnishes us
with numberless examples of it. (Calmet) --- He likewise prayed, as he
usually did, when he... [ Continue Reading ]