The fast was now past. [2] An annual fast. Some take it for the fast of the Ember-days, which Christians keep in December: but St. John Chrysostom and others expound it of the Jewish fast of expiation, in their seventh month, Tisri, answering to our September or October. (Witham) --- Most interpreters understand this of the solemn fast of expiation, mentioned in Leviticus (xvi. 29. and xxiii. 27.) which fell about the end of September and beginning of October. At this time sailing on the Mediterranean is dangerous. Though this phrase is at present obscure to us, we must recollect that St. Luke was writing for Christians, who being for the most part converted Jews, easily understood the expression. (Calmet)


Jejunium præteriisset. St. John Chrysostom, Greek: om ig. nesteian ten ioudaion.

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