_Why dost thou persecute me? My disciples, my brothers, and my
friends. The head speaks for the members, and by a figure of speech,
calls them itself. (St. Augustine, in Ps. xxx.) --- Here Jesus Christ
identifies himself with his Church, as on a former occasion, when he
said: he that heareth you, he... [ Continue Reading ]
_To kick against the goad. Others translate against the pricks;
others, against the sting. The metaphor is taken from oxen kicking,
when pricked to go forward. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_There it shall be told thee, &c. The Almighty having established a
Church, and ministry, the depositories of his doctrines, does not,
even on this extraordinary occasion, transgress his own laws; but
sends him to the ministers of religion, that instruction may be
imparted through them, as through i... [ Continue Reading ]
_And his eyes being open, either by himself, or by others, he saw
nothing. See the circumstances related again, chap. xxii. and xxvi.
(Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Three days. During the time, he neither eat nor drank, to testify his
sorrow for his past conduct. He likewise spent the time in prayer, to
prepare himself for the reception of grace. (St. John Chrysostom, hom.
xix.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_And he saw a man, &c. This verse, which is by way of a parenthesis,
contains the words of the historian, St. Luke, telling us what St.
Paul saw in a vision, and what the Spirit at the same time revealed to
Ananias. (Witham) --- This verse is a parenthesis. It contains not the
words of Christ to Ana... [ Continue Reading ]
_A vessel of election. A chosen elect vessel, and minister of the
gospel. (Witham) --- Greek: Skeous ekloges, an organ, or instrument.
Thus Polybius uses the word, speaking of Damocles, Greek: ode en
uperetikon skeuos, he was an excellent and choice character._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Laying his hands on him. This imposition of hands, made use of on
different occasions, was to pray that he might receive his sight, as
well as the grace of the Holy Ghost, which God sometimes gave to
persons not yet baptized, as to Cornelius. (Acts x. 44.) (Witham) ---
This imposition of hands, was... [ Continue Reading ]
_When many days were passed. By the account St. Paul gives of himself,
(Galatians chap. i.) soon after his conversion he went into Arabia,
and about three years after he might come to Damascus. Then it seems
to have happened that they were for killing him, for becoming a
Christian; and the brethren... [ Continue Reading ]
Brought him to the apostles Peter and James. See Galatians i. 18. and
19.... [ Continue Reading ]
_He spoke also to the Gentiles, [1] and disputed with the Grecians, or
Hellenists. See chap. vi. ver. 1. By the Gentiles, many understand
those who had been Gentiles, and were become proselytes or converts to
the Jewish religion, and not those who still remained Gentiles. And by
the Greeks, or Helle... [ Continue Reading ]
The Church visibly proceedeth still with much comfort and patience;
she is perfected by persecution, and by means of the promised
infallible protection, she has ever proved herself invulnerable to all
the envenomed shafts of her adversaries.... [ Continue Reading ]
Saron, or Assaron, is a mountain and city mentioned by Josue, xii. 18.
From it all the plain from Cæsarea of Palestine to Joppe, is called
Saron. It is a rich fertile country. (Tirinus)... [ Continue Reading ]
Tabitha, in Syriac, means the same as Dorcas in Greek, that is, a wild
goat. (Bible de Vence) --- See here the powerful effects of good
works, and alms-deeds; they reach even to the next life. (Bristow) ---
Hence that of the wise man, _alms free from death._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Washed. This custom of washing the dead was observed among the
Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, and most other nations. It is still practised
in monasteries, and formerly was observed with much ceremony. St. John
Chrysostom observes, that our Saviour's body was washed and embalmed.
The same custom is menti... [ Continue Reading ]
_Greek: Chiton was the under garment, Greek: Imation the upper._... [ Continue Reading ]
_And having put them all out, not to disturb him while he prayed. ---
Sat up, raised herself a little: and Peter taking her by the hand,
lifted her quite up, and calling in the company, presented her to them
alive and well. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Raising the dead to life can only be the work of God. This woman was
raised to life for the comfort of the faithful, and the conversion of
others. She herself might likewise have an opportunity of acquiring
greater merit, otherwise the repose of another life is preferable to a
return to the miseries... [ Continue Reading ]
In the Greek is added: _instructing the new converts, and fortifying
them in the faith they had just embraced._... [ Continue Reading ]