_Third, at the conclusion, so that it is called the fourth. (Jeremias
xxv. 1.) (Cornelius a Lapide; Menochius) --- Nabuchodonosor began his
expedition into Syria a year before he was king; (Salien, A. 3428 [in
the year of the world 3428 or 624 B.C.]. Josephus, &c.) or he had the
title before his fat... [ Continue Reading ]
_His god; Bel, or Belas, the principal idol of the Chaldeans.
(Challoner) --- The king pretended to derive his pedigree from Belus,
(Abyd. Eusebius, præp. 1.) and greatly enriched his temple, (Calmet)
which Xerxes demolished. (Arrian.) --- God. Some part might be kept in
the palace. (Chap. v. 10. an... [ Continue Reading ]
_Eunuchs, or chief officers. The Jews assert that Daniel was made an
eunuch. (Isaias xxxix. 7.) But he might be so styled on account of his
dignity. (Calmet) --- Princes. Literally, "tyrants." (Haydock) ---
This name was afterwards only rendered odious by the misconduct of
several kings. (Calmet) --... [ Continue Reading ]
_Blemish. Deformed people were excluded the throne, or the king's
presence. (Procopius 1.) --- Science; well educated, or apt to learn.
They were first to be taught the Chaldee letters, which then differed
from the Hebrew. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Meat: more exquisite. (De Dieu.) --- All was first served on the
king's table. (Atheneus vi. 14.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Juda. It is thought all four were of royal blood. (Calmet) --- Others
were also kept at court. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Baltassar, or as Chaldees ((Calmet) or Masorets. (Haydock))
pronounce, Beltesasar, "the treasurer of Baal." The names were changed
to testify their subjection, (Calmet) and that they might embrace the
manners of the Chaldees. (Menochius) --- The new names alluded to the
sun. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Daniel, as head and nearer the throne, gave good example to the rest.
(Worthington) --- Defiled, either by eating meat forbidden by the law,
or which had before been offered to idols. (Challoner) --- It was
customary among the pagans to make an offering of some parts to their
gods, or throw it into... [ Continue Reading ]
_Malassar, another inferior officer. It means also one appointed over
the mouth or provisions, (Calmet) and might be Asphenez (ver. 3, 9.)
(Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Pulse. That is, pease, beans, and such like. (Challoner) --- St.
Basil hence shews the advantages of fasting; and Catholics, who
imitate Daniel, may expect the like reward in heaven: and the hope
that such a pattern would not displease their dissenting brethren, but
rather screen them from their pr... [ Continue Reading ]
_Dreams. He was learned in all the sciences of the country, like
Moses. (Acts vii. 22.) (Calmet) --- They studies these things, in
order to refute what was erroneous: discunt....ut judicent. (St.
Jerome) --- The Chaldeans paid great attention to dreams. Daniel
acquired the knowledge of such as were... [ Continue Reading ]
_Diviners, or fortune-tellers. --- Wise men. Septuagint,
"philosophers." (Calmet) --- Hebrew, Ashaphim, may come from the Greek
sophoi. (Grotius) --- They had been educated three years. (ver. 5)
(Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Cyrus; and also to the third, (Chap. x) and of course during the
whole of the captivity. (Worthington) --- He was maintained in power
by the conqueror of Babylon. (Chap. vi. 18. and xiv. 1.) He first
displayed his sagacity in the cause of Susanna, (Chap. xiii. (Calmet))
whose history was placed at... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER I.... [ Continue Reading ]