Year, from the death of his father, Nabopolassar; for he had reigned before as partner with his father, in the empire. (Challoner) --- In that quality he conquered Syria, (A. 3397 [in the year of the world 3397 or 607 B.C.]) took Daniel, &c. in 3399 [or 605 B.C.]. He succeeded his father. (Usher) (Calmet) --- After he had enlarged his empire by the conquest of Egypt, &c. he had this dream. (A. R. 25.) (Worthington) --- Mind. Septuagint, "his sleep departed from him." (Haydock) --- He was restless, recollecting enough to fill him with trouble. When the dream was repeated over, he knew that it was the same. (Calmet)

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