Blessing. The Fathers, St. Augustine, (q. 56,) &c., explain this of
the Christian Church, rather than of the Synagogue. (Theodoret) ---
Man of God. A title given to a prophet, 1 Kings ii. 27., and ix. 6.
The prophets often speak of things to come, as if they were past, as
we have seen in the conduct... [ Continue Reading ]
Pharan. Habacuc iii. 3, mentions this apparition. See also Psalm
lxvii. 9. --- Saints. God was accompanied by legions of angels, when
he delivered the law to the Israelites, who are styled a nation of
saints, Numbers xvi. 3. Septuagint, "he hastened from Mount Pharan,
with ten thousands to Cades. At... [ Continue Reading ]
People, ( populos.) God loves and watches over all, but particularly
(Calmet) over the nation which he has chosen. (Chaldean) See Wisdom
iii. 1., and Isaias xlix. 16. --- Doctrine. It was formerly the custom
for disciples to sit at their master's feet, (Acts xxii. 3,) as it is
still in the Eastern c... [ Continue Reading ]
_Moses. He expresses himself as if the people were speaking. The
change of persons is very frequent in this discourse. --- Inheritance.
So the psalmist (Psalm cxviii. 111,) says, I have purchased thy
testimonies for an inheritance for ever. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_He shall, &c. Erit rex, may perhaps be as well rendered indefinitely,
"There shall be a king;" or, with the Septuagint, "And there shall be
over the beloved a ruler," as (Haydock) some understand this of Moses,
others of Saul, though it most probably refers to God himself, who
gave the law, and was... [ Continue Reading ]
Number. This is conformable to the prophecy of Jacob, who deprived
Ruben of his birth-right, on account of incest. He is even treated
with indulgence, in being permitted to form one of the tribes. Yet
some copies of the Septuagint, Syriac, (Theodoret q. 42,) and many
interpreters, take this in quite... [ Continue Reading ]
_Of Juda, "when he goes to war, and bring him back in peace to his
people." (Onkelos) --- The general made a solemn prayer on such
occasions; and the Psalm xix. was composed, and is still used, to draw
down God's blessing in times of war. Moses thus clearly insinuates
that the tribe of Juda should o... [ Continue Reading ]
_Holy man. Aaron and his successors in the priesthood. (Challoner) ---
They were adorned with the Urim and Thummim, which are here rendered
perfection and doctrine. (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "give to Levi his
insignia, ( delous) and his truth, to the holy man, the same whom they
tried at the temptati... [ Continue Reading ]
Who hath said, &c. It is the duty of the priestly tribe to prefer
God's honour and service before all considerations of flesh and blood:
in such manner as to behave as strangers to their nearest akin, when
these would withdraw them from the business of their calling.
(Challoner) --- The Levites shew... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wrath. He seems to allude to the action of Aaron, Numbers xvi. 46.
(Calmet) --- Hebrew has, "incense before thee," (Haydock) as it is
explained by the Chaldean, Septuagint, &c. --- Holocaust, of flour,
&c., calil; that of beasts was styled aule. See chap. xiii. 16.
(Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Rise. The martial prowess of the Machabees, who were of this tribe,
was conspicuous. (Menochius) --- As the Levites had no portion with
the rest, but were to live by tithes, &c., Moses begs that God would
bless their labours, (Calmet) and suffer none to defraud them of their
right. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Shall dwell, &c. This seems to allude to the temple being built in
the confines of the tribe of Benjamin, (Challoner) on the northern
part of Jerusalem. The southern division of the city was in the
territory of Juda; and hence Jerusalem is attributed to both, Josue
xv. 63., and Judges i. 21. (Calme... [ Continue Reading ]
_Fruits. Hebrew, "for the precious things of heaven, for the dew,"
&c., so also it has precious, ver. 14, &c._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Moon; both those which are annual, as wheat, and those which come
every month. (Chaldean) The sun and moon greatly contribute to nourish
(Haydock) and to bring fruit to maturity. (Pliny, [Natural History?]
ii. 100. (Calmet) --- Both the tribes of Ephraim and of Manasses
inhabited a fertile region.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Everlasting hills. Chaldean, "which never fail" to produce an
abundant crop. (Haydock) --- The hills of the Israelites were very
productive. But when they rebelled against their God, in very deed the
hills were liars, and yielded little or nothing, Jeremias iii. 23._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thereof, whatever the earth can produce, particularly wheat, &c. The
fruits of heaven, (ver. 13,) may denote such as grew on trees.
(Calmet) --- Bush; God, who appeared to Moses. (Haydock) --- Nazarite.
See the note on Genesis xlix. 26. (Challoner) --- Joseph was
distinguished by God, by his father... [ Continue Reading ]
Bullock, or cow. Shor, denotes all the species, chap. xv. 19. ---
Firstling, is likewise often put for the most excellent. Thus "his
beauty, like the finest bullock." The Egyptians had a high esteem for
bulls; and Elian (ii. 10,) informs us that Mnevis, one of their kings,
ordered the people to ador... [ Continue Reading ]
_Out to sea. (Calmet) --- The territory of Zabulon had the
Mediterranean sea on the west, and the lake of Tiberias, into which
the Jordan flowed, on the east. (Haydock) --- By the advantages of
their situation, and by the example of the Tyrians, the people were
induced to engage in commerce, and to... [ Continue Reading ]
Mountain. Full of gratitude to God, who has bestowed such advantages
upon them, these tribes shall go with zeal to the place which the Lord
shall choose, (Haydock) and invite the people, on the road, to go
along with them, to offer sacrifice. (Menochius) --- Perhaps this may
allude also to their con... [ Continue Reading ]
_Breadth. The tribe of Gad, &c., slew or drove the Agarites from their
neighbourhood, and seized their country, 1 Paralipomenon v. 18, 22.
Hebrew, Septuagint, and Chaldean, "Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad,"
which was verified in Jephte, Josue xi. 33. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
He saw, &c. The pre-eminence of the tribe of Gad, to which this
alludes, was their having the lawgiver, Moses, buried in their
borders; though the particular place was not known. (Challoner) ---
Protestants, "and he provided the first part for himself; because
there, in a portion of the lawgiver, wa... [ Continue Reading ]
Basan. As the Jordan rushes with impetuosity (Haydock) from Lais,
which was seized by some of this tribe; (Judges xviii.) and as a lion
falls on its prey from the mountains of Basan, so shall this tribe
give birth to Samson, who was stronger than a lion, (Calmet) and
terribly harassed the Philistine... [ Continue Reading ]
_The sea. The lake of Genesareth. (Challoner) --- South. That lake
forms the southern extremity of the tribe of Nephthali. (Haydock) ---
The Mediterranean, and the countries south of Palestine, are commonly
understood in this manner, but they cannot be understood here.
(Calmet) --- By means of their... [ Continue Reading ]
_Blessed. He alludes to the name of Aser, which has this
signification. (Haydock) --- This tribe had been upon the increase in
the desert, (Calmet) and now comprised 53,000 warriors. (Haydock) ---
The province of Galilee, where Aser dwelt, was one of the most fertile
of all Chanaan, and noted for ab... [ Continue Reading ]
Iron and brass, to denote the warlike disposition of this tribe.
Goliah[Goliath], and the heroes before Troy, wore boots of brass, 1
Kings xvii. 6. (Homer) --- The greatest part of the army of Antiochus
had even golden nails in their shoe soles, (Val. Max.) while the
Romans contented themselves with... [ Continue Reading ]
_Rightest, ( rectissimi.) Hebrew yeshurun, "the beloved," Israel.
(Haydock) --- Thither, as messengers. Hebrew, "The clouds are in his
elevation," like so many steps to his throne. Who makest the clouds
thy chariot, ( ascensum tuum) who walkest upon the wings of the winds,
Psalm ciii. 3. (Calmet) --... [ Continue Reading ]
_Underneath are the everlasting arms. Though the dwelling of God be
above in heaven, his arms are always stretched out to help us here
below. (Challoner) --- Hebrew, "The eternal God is thy refuge; or,
From eternity is the abode of God, or in fine, the protection of the
Lord is before, and his etern... [ Continue Reading ]
_Alone, without standing in need of the assistance of any other but
God. See Numbers xxiii. 9. (Haydock) --- Some of the ancient Germans
would have no communication with any other nation; and they
depopulated the country around, to keep all at a distance. (Calmet)
--- The Chinese seem to be at prese... [ Continue Reading ]
_Deny thee. Break their word and most solemn treaties. Hebrew, "shall
lie unto thee," which will afford thee a just reason to seize their
effects. (Haydock) --- Some translate, "the efforts of thy enemies
shall be frustrated." --- Necks. Thus Josue ordered the five kings to
be treated, (Josue x. 24.... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER XXXIII.... [ Continue Reading ]