Ezekiel 10:1
_Throne. It was a sky blue crystal or sapphire colour, (chap. i. 22, 26.) and was now empty, chap. i. The Lord spoke from the temple door, ver. 4. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Throne. It was a sky blue crystal or sapphire colour, (chap. i. 22, 26.) and was now empty, chap. i. The Lord spoke from the temple door, ver. 4. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Out, to purify (St. Jerome) or punish the city, (Theodoret) which would shortly be reduced to ashes. (Vatable) (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Right, south of the priests' court._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lifted up, before chap. ix. 3. (Calmet) --- A man seemed to be on the throne, (Worthington) or rather over the door of the holy place._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Court of the people. --- Speaking in thunder._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wings. They would seem to be distinct, or (Calmet) fingers appeared at the end of the wings. (Grotius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER X. _ Stone. Hebrew Tharsis. Symmachus, "Hyacinth." (Chap. i. 16.) (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_By four ways. That is, by any of the four ways, forward, backward, to the right, or to the left. (Challoner) (Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wheels. These, as well as (Haydock) the cherubim, (Theodoret) were full of eyes. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Voluble. That is, rolling wheels: galgal, (Challoner) which means "rolling:" (Haydock) or "he said to the wheels, Turn around about." (Theodoret) --- This is the real import of Hebrew. (Calmet) --- Protestants have, "O wheel." (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Cherub, or "ox." All four seem to have had the resemblance of a man, but one more than the rest, which had respectively the appearance rather of an ox, a lion, or an eagle: (Worthington) or the ox was predominant in all, as both the head and feet were of it; (Calmet) which, however, does not consti... [ Continue Reading ]
_Creature. What I saw, was properly called cherubim. Charab, in Syriac means "to labour;" (Spencer) or cherubim may imply any composed and unusual figure, or "mixture," Exodus xxv. 18. (Calmet) --- Ezechiel being a priest, saw that the creatures resembled the cherubim of the temple. (Tirinus)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Life. They were not mere machines; (Haydock) or they were pushed forward by an impetuous wind._... [ Continue Reading ]
_East gate, leading from the city to the court of the people. (Calmet) -- How unwilling is this good father to leave his house! (Tirinus)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Creature. The cherubim and all the throne seemed alive. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Forward, thus shewing God's decree to abandon the synagogue. (Tirinus)_... [ Continue Reading ]