Embroidery. Literally, "various colours." (Haydock) --- But this is the import, Psalm xliv. 10. --- Violet, or dark blue, appropriated to princes. --- Linen, or cotton, Exodus xxv., and Proverbs xxxi. 24. (Calmet) --- Fine. Literally, "thin." Hebrew Mesi, (Haydock) "silken." (Jarchi; Pagnin, &c.) Silk was used much later at Rome, (Calmet) and was reprobated as not covering the body sufficiently. Cois tibi pene videre est

Ut nudam. ----- (Horace, i. Sat. ii.)

(Seneca, Ben. vii. 9.) --- Septuagint Greek: trichapto, according to Hesychius, &c., denotes "a silk ribbon for the hair;" (Calmet) a robe as delicate as hair, (St. Jerome) or a transparent veil for the head. (Theodoret) --- Such are still worn in the East. Hair is used in the veil opposite to the eyes, that the ladies may see without being seen. (Calmet)

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