Edge. Those in captivity would not allow that they were punished for
their own sins: God convinces them of the contrary. (Worthington) ---
They knew that he often visited the sins of the fathers upon the
children, (Exodus xx. 5., and xxiv. 5.; Calmet) when they also hated
him, (Haydock) and that man... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mine. He insinuates the vocation of the Gentiles and the general
redemption. All will be treated according to their works. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mountains: of the sacrifices there offered to idols; (Challoner) or
partaken in their usual feasts. Some irregularly worshipped God in
these high places, under many pious kings; and were tolerated,
(Calmet) though condemned for so doing. (Haydock) --- Woman. The
pagans abstained by the light of rea... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wronged. Literally, "constristated." (Haydock) --- Hebrew,
"oppressed," maliciously._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Increase more than what he lent, on any pretext. (St. Jerome)
(Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Robber. Hebrew, "breaker;" rude and lawless. Septuagint,
"pestilent."_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Abomination. This refers to the woman, (ver. 6.) or to idolatry._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Him. He alone is answerable, and shall suffer._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sinneth. God never acted otherwise, though the Jews seem to have
thought so. Temporal afflictions are the source of merit, and
generally fall to the share of the saints, particularly under the new
law._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Penance. The end determines all. If a person be then found just or
unjust at his departure, he will be treated accordingly.
(Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Will. God sincerely wishes that the sinner should be converted. If he
refuse grace, it is only in punishment of former transgressions. (St.
Augustine, ep. 217.) --- He wills antecedently their salvation, (1
Timothy ii. 4.) though he has a consequent will to punish them, as
they speak in the schools... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Remembered, to procure him pardon; yet he will suffer less than if
he had never done any good. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Not right, in thus punishing or rewarding for the last act;
(Theodoret) or rather, God shews that those who complain are guilty._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Alive. Mortal sin destroys that life of grace. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Do penance. This is requisite, as well as a change of conduct.
(Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_New. We can do no good of ourselves: but we are admonished of our
free-will, that we may do what we can, and ask for grace. (Council of
Trent, Session vi. 5, 11.) (James i. 5., and 2 Corinthians iii. 5.)
(St. Augustine, &c.) (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]