Month; April 30, the year of the world 3430. (Usher) (Calmet) --- In
explaining this last most obscure vision: I. The Jews say it was
verified after the captivity. But thus the temple would be four miles
round, and the city thirty-six, which never was the case. II. Hence
more modern Jews assert it w... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mountain; Moria, in spirit. On the eastern side, the road to the city
was level. Walls were added after the captivity, on the other sides.
(Josephus, Jewish Wars vi. 6.) --- City, the temple was so large. ---
South, to one coming from the north, though the temple lay on that
side of the town, Psalm... [ Continue Reading ]
_Brass: shining. (Haydock) --- This angel waited for the prophet at
the northern gate, but introduced him by that looking towards the
east, ver. 16. --- Line. It seems never to have been used. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Breadth. Hebrew, Chaldean, Septuagint, "of six cubits, in a cubit and
a palm;" imitating that the sacred cubit contained six palms, while
the common one had only five, (chap. xliii. 13.; Worthington) being
half a yard; (Arbuthnot) or the Hebrew cubit was a hand's breadth
larger than the Babylonian,... [ Continue Reading ]
_And. In this verse occurs the first of thirty-four words where the j
is allowed by the keri to be omitted in this one chapter, always when
it is the sign of the plural number before a suffixed v, and of course
by voluntary assimilation. But Camb. Manuscript has the j regularly in
the thirty-two of... [ Continue Reading ]
_Chamber, for the porters, (Calmet) three on each side of the porch,
ver. 10. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thirteen, or twenty-six feet high._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Cubits high, or else the elevation is nowhere specified. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Slanting, or "lattice." Septuagint, "dark." See 3 Kings vii. 4.
(Haydock) --- They were larger within, to afford light, as in
Solomon's temple, and in castles. Interpreters disagree in their
sentiments: but all allow that God here insinuated that he would
reward people in the Old Testament with tem... [ Continue Reading ]
There were _chambers. Gazophylacia, so called, because the priests and
Levites kept in them the stores and vessels that belonged to the
temple. (Challoner) --- They went all round the courts. The women were
in the second story. Villalpand and Capel, who are deemed the most
accurate, suppose that the... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lower. So that there was a step up to the threshold. (Haydock) ---
Marble was used in all places exposed to the weather. (Josephus,
Jewish Wars vi. 14.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Seven. There were eight to the inner court, (ver. 31.) shewing that
more perfection is now required, and a greater reward given. (St.
Gregory) (Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER XL.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Five cubits. The parallel passages would intimate "fifty." (Calmet)
(Villalpand) --- But the texts all read five, and Maldonat understands
the four vacant spaces between the chambers, ver. 7. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Gates. Hebrew is very obscure. The holocausts were slain on the north
side of the altar, Leviticus i. 11._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Borders, to prevent any thing falling. Chaldean, &c., have "hooks."_... [ Continue Reading ]
_North. The singers occupied two wings._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Watch over the sacred ornaments, perfumes, lamps of the sanctuary,
&c., Numbers iii. 28._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Altar. Not on actual service, (chap. xli. 13.) but to prepare the
victims._... [ Continue Reading ]
_That side. Septuagint add, "and the opening ( Greek: euros, width) of
the gate was 14 cubits, and the breadth (projections, Greek: epomides)
of the," &c., (Haydock) or the wall on each side of the door was three
cubits, so that the porch was 20 cubits broad. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Eleven. 3 Kings vi., says ten. The exact breadth was ten and a half,
(Villalpand; Tirinus) or what the pavement covered is there specified
according to some. Roman Septuagint has "twelve." But the edition of
Basil reads more correctly, ten. (Calmet) --- Yet both ten and eleven
may be right, if this... [ Continue Reading ]