And....foundations is not found in Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic, but it is in Chaldean. The temple was thus of larger dimensions than that of Solomon, which was only 30 cubits high, and 20 broad inside, 3 Kings vi. 2. The Rabbins assign 100 for each, (Tr. Middot. iv. 6.) speaking perhaps of the temple rebuilt by Herod, with still greater magnificence. Josephus allows 100 in height, and 60 in breadth. But the Scripture only speaks of 54 cubits breadeth, and 99 in length including the adjoining edifices. (Calmet) --- Breadth, from the front to the end of the holy of holies, which we should call the length. (Tirinus) --- This temple was lower than Solomon's by one half, (2 Paralipomenon iii. 4.; Menochius) unless those 120 cubits refer only to a tower. (Haydock)

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