Of all clean. The distinction of clean and unclean beasts, appears to
have been made before the law of Moses, which was not promulgated till
the year of the world 2514. (Challoner). --- Clean: not according to
the law of Moses, which was not yet given, but such as tradition had
described --- fit for... [ Continue Reading ]
Seventeenth day. On the tenth, God had given the last warning to the
wretched and obstinate sinners, to whom Noe had been preaching, both
by word and by building the ark, for 120 years; all in vain. This
second month is, by some, supposed to be the month of May; by others,
that of November. Usher ma... [ Continue Reading ]
_The Lord shut him in, by an angel besmearing the door with pitch, to
prevent the waters from penetrating, while Noe did the like in the
inside. (Calmet) --- Thus God supplies our wants when we are not able
to provide for ourselves, and though he could do all by himself, yet
he requires us to co-ope... [ Continue Reading ]
Days: counting from the end of the forty days, when the deluge was at
its height. (Calmet) --- In all the histories of past ages, there is
nothing so terrible as this event. What became of all those myriads of
human beings who perished on this occasion? We know not. Some have
charitably supposed, th... [ Continue Reading ]