Habakkuk 1:1

_Burden. Such prophecies more especially are called burdens, as threaten grievous evils and punishments. (Challoner) --- He says not against whom, because the menace is directed to persecutors in general. (Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:2

_Save. Some think that he expresses the sentiments of the weak, like David, (Psalms lxxii. 2.) or what he had formerly entertained. The language of the prophets is very bold, Exodus xxxii. 32., Job iii. 3., Jeremias xx. 14., and Jonas iv. 8. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:3

_Opposition. Septuagint, "the judge receives" bribes. (Haydock) --- Such was the state of Juda after Josias, Jeremias xxi. 12._... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:5

_Among. Septuagint ye despisers. St. Paul nearly agrees with this version, Acts xiii. 41. The copies vary, as the Hebrew has done. (Calmet) --- The apostle gives the mystical sense; the literal is very obscure. (Worthington) --- God answers the prophet's complaints, and shews that the Chaldeans shal... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:6

_Chaldeans. Nabuchodonosor was the first of this nation who attacked Joakim, and having conquered all as far as the Nile, returned to succeed Nabopolassar. He afterwards came upon Jechonias and Sedecias, &c. The prophet might have all this in view, particularly the first invasion. (Calmet) --- Bitte... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:8

_Leopards: the swiftest quadrupeds. (Calmet) --- The horses near the Euphrates were swift and warlike. (Oppian.) --- Swifter. Hebrew, "sharper" (Haydock) in seeing, even when there is no moon. (Elian x. 26.) --- Evening. Septuagint, "Arabian." (Haydock) --- It may denote the hyena of that country, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:9

_Burning. Hebrew also, "eastern," which is hot, and raises the sand of Arabia so as to be very detrimental. (Calmet) --- Out of 2,000 travellers from Mecca to Aleppo, only twenty-nine escaped such a storm, or kamsin, in that vast desert, August 23, 1813. (Rock. 312.) (Haydock) --- Sand, from various... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:10

_Prince, or "it," the nation, ver. 10. Hebrew, "They," &c. --- Laughingstock, ( ridicule.) Nabuchodonosor raised or deposed princes as in jest. (Haydock) --- Sennacherib's officers were or had been kings, Isaias x. 8. --- Mount. Thus cities were chiefly taken, Ezechiel iv. 1. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:11

_Spirit; viz., the spirit of the king of Babylon. It alludes to the judgment of God upon Nabuchodonosor, recorded [in] Daniel iv., and to the speedy fall of the Chaldean empire. (Challoner) --- It shall yield to the Medes, &c., after conquering the Assyrians. (Worthington) --- Fall. Hebrew, "sin." S... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 1:16

_Drag, adoring his own arms and prowess, (Sanct.) like Mezentius and Capaneus: ------ Dextra mihi Deus, (Virgil, \'c6neid x.)_ _ Te voco, te solum, superum contemptor, adoro. (Stat. x.)_ --- Guevare thinks fishes were adored, as they were among the Syrians. Nabuchodonosor attributed all to his own... [ Continue Reading ]

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