Habakkuk 3:1

For ignorances. That is, for the sins of his people. In the Hebrew it is shignoth: which some take to signify a musical instrument, or tune, with which this sublime prayer and canticle was to be sung. (Challoner) --- The term is omitted in several Latin manuscripts. The precise import cannot be asce... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:2

Thy hearing, &c. That is, thy oracles, the great and wonderful things thou hast revealed to me: and I was struck with a reverential fear and awe. (Challoner) --- I saw that the unjust would not escape. (Calmet) --- Work. The great work of the redemption of man, which thou wilt bring to life and ligh... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:3

_South. God himself will come to give us his law, and to conduct us into the true land of promise: as heretofore he came from the south, (in the Hebrew Teman) and from Mount Pharan, to give his law to his people in the desert. See Deuteronomy xxxiii. 2. (Challoner) --- Septuagint render, "the shady... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:4

_Horns, &c. That is, strength and power, which by a Hebrew phrase are called horns: or beams of light, which come forth from his hands: or it may allude to the cross, in the horns of which the hands of Christ were fastened, where his strength was hidden, by which he overcame the world, and drove out... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:5

Death, &c. Both death and the devil shall be the executioners of his justice against his enemies; as they were heretofore against the Egyptians and Chanaanites. (Challoner) --- Hebrew daber, (Haydock) according to the different pronunciation, is rendered "the word" by the Septuagint and Theo.[Theodo... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:6

_Measured. Septuagint, "the earth was troubled," (Calmet) or shaken. (Haydock) --- He beheld. One look of his eye is enough to melt all the nations, and to reduce them to nothing. For all heaven and earth disappear when they come before his light, Apocalypse xx. 11. (Challoner) --- The Chanaanites w... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:7

_Ethiopia, the land of the Blacks, and Madian, are here taken for the enemies of God and his people, who shall perish for their iniquity. (Challoner) --- Chus peopled that part of Arabia. (Haydock) --- Hebrew has Chusan, perhaps to rhyme with Madian; though some think that Chusan (defeated by Othoni... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:8

_With the rivers, &c. He alludes to the wonders wrought heretofore by the Lord in favour of his people Israel, when the waters of the rivers, viz., of Arnon and Jordan, and of the Red Sea, retired before their face; when he came as it were with his horses and chariots to save them; when he took up h... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:9

_Take. Septuagint bend thy bow over the sceptres, says the Lord, Dinpsalma." Sela is neglected by the Vulgate or (Haydock) by S. Jerome, as having no meaning. (Calmet) --- Yet we find in the edition of his works he renders it, for ever; and here observes, that the Lord "always dwells with his saints... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:10

_Grieved. They seemed full of surprise, as in labour, (Hebrew) and the abyss spoke in its manner, (Calmet) obeying thy voice, and letting the Israelites pass. (Haydock) (Psalm lxxiii. 15., and cxiii. 3., and Numbers xxi. 13. (Calmet) --- "Earth, sea, and rocks quake at the sight of God." (\'c6schyl.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:11

_Go. The five kings shall flee at the descent of Bethoron; or the heavenly body shall proceed at thy command, at the signal given by thunder, Josue x. 11._... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:13

_Christ. This may well be explained of the incarnation. God was touched at the miseries of his people, and rescued them by Moses. (Calmet) --- Theodotion and Symmachus, "Ebionite, half Christians," give a Jewish interpretation, "to save thy Christ." Aquila, though a Jew, and the 5th edition agree wi... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:14

_Sceptres. The nobles were drowned (Haydock) with their king, (Calmet) when they expected an easy prey, Exodus xiii. 9. (Haydock) --- Hebrew, "thou hast pierced the chief of their troops in the midst of tribes," or sticks, as the Egyptians perhaps slew each other. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:15

_Sea, &c., to deliver thy people from the Egyptian bondage; and thou shalt work the like wonders, in the spiritual way, to rescue the children of thy Church from their enemies. (Challoner) --- The waters stood up like mountains, while God seemed to pass in his triumphal car. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:16

I have heard, &c., viz., the evils that are now coming upon the Israelites for their sins; and that shall come hereafter upon all impenitent sinners: and the foresight that I have of these miseries makes me willing to die, that I may be at rest, before this general tribulation comes, in which all go... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:17

_Fail. Literally, "lie," (Haydock) or frustrate our expectations. (Calmet) --- Spem mentita seges. (Hor.[Horace?] i. ep. 7.) --- Fold. Septuagint, "food."_... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:18

_Jesus. Hebrew yishi, "my (Haydock) salvation." (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "saviour." Chaldean, "redeemer." (Haydock) --- Jesus was the desire of all nations, and he imparts true joy to the faithful, John viii. 56. (Calmet) --- At the last day, plagues similar to those of Egypt will occur; but the ele... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:19

_Places. I shall escape the fury of the Chaldeans, and sing a hymn of thanksgiving. (Calmet) --- "The conqueror singing psalms" may be unconnected with the rest, (Haydock) and designed to shew that the hymn was intended for religious meetings. It may signify, "To the chief over the female musicians.... [ Continue Reading ]

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