_Reward, or "present." The kings took the tithe, 1 Kings viii. 15.
Other infidel nations rejoice in their wealth. Israel ought not to do
so; and, in punishment of idolatry, it shall be despoiled. After
Jeroboam II, all went to ruin._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Deceive. The grapes shall yield no wine. (Calmet) --- Spem mentita
seges. (Horace ii. ep. 2. and 3. ode 1. and 16.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Egypt, through distress, chap viii. 13. (St. Jerome, ver. 6.)
(Worthington) --- Sua afforded no protection, and the country proved a
grave to those who retired thither. --- Unclean. The people observed
these prescriptions, though they neglected the more important duties.
Only some pious souls, like... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wine. They shall be at a distance from the temple, and in a country
where the wine will not be deemed pure. The Jews will drink none which
they have not made; and they usually lift up the cup, and pour out a
little in God's honour. This they could not do in Assyria, (Calmet)
not having liberty to d... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lord, when he shall punish you, Isaias xxxiv. 6. (Haydock) --- Israel
did not go to the temple, but they kept the festivals and banquets in
their own manner, the privation of which they would feel._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Gather into the grave. Yet some shall escape, chap. xi. 11. ---
Silver, which they buried at the approach of the enemy, hoping to
recover it when they should depart. The Arabs do so still, (Calmet)
and the Indians likewise, that they may have something to support them
in the next world! (Bernier) -... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mad. Israel shall promise itself all prosperity, not being inspired
by God, but full of madness. (Worthington) --- There were many false
prophets. The true ones were often accounted idols, 4 Kings ix. 11.,
and Ezechiel iii. 25. (Calmet) --- "What is said respecting Israel, in
this prophet, must be... [ Continue Reading ]
_My God. I am such; but the false prophets strive to seduce you.
(Calmet) --- Jeroboam ought to have restrained the people, and he did
the reverse, setting up a calf at Bethel, which proved more ruinous
than the crime of Gabaa, (Judges xix.) or the election of Saul. "In
ancient records, I cannot fin... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sin. As they have imitated the citizens of Gabaa, they may expect a
similar fate. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Top. These are the best. (Haydock) --- The patriarchs were pleasing
to God. He chose the Hebrews; but they began to worship Beelphegor or
Adonis, even before the death of Moses. This worship was most
shameful. What will not passion do when the gods shew the example!_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Conception. Their children, in whom they glory, shall be destroyed
(Calmet) in the very embryo. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_When. Septuagint Theodotion, "my flesh is taken from them," which
Theodoret, Lyranus, &c., explain of the incarnation; but Aquila, &c.,
agree with the Vulgate which is more natural. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Tyre. The kingdom of Israel was no less proud, Ezechiel xxvi.
(Worthington) --- It was in the highest prosperity under Jeroboam II.
Osee saw this and the subsequent overthrow. Tyre was a most populous
and wealthy city. (Calmet) --- Other interpreters have, "a rock;"
Septuagint, "a prey." The latter... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Children, as they have exposed them to the fury of the Assyrians,
(Calmet) or to their idols. (Drusius) --- The prophet appears to
demand vengeance through zeal; but it is only a prediction. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Galgal: "heaped together." (Haydock) --- When they erected profane
altars here, I could spare them no longer. (Calmet) --- No more, so as
to suffer them to pass unpunished. (Haydock) --- He afterwards
restored them to favour, chap. i. 10., and ii. 14. (Calmet) --- At
Galgal they rejected the Lord's... [ Continue Reading ]
_Dried up. They are compared to a vine, chap. x. 1. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]