_Revealed. Who could have believed such things? The apostles complain
how few were converted, John xii. 38., and Romans x. 16. (Calmet) ---
These would not submit, though the gospel was not against reason.
(Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Plant. Hebrew also, "suckling child." (Septuagint, &c.) --- Ground.
The blessed Virgin [Mary]. (Calmet) --- Was. Septuagint, "he had no
appearance nor beauty. But his appearance was abject and deficient
above all men; a," &c. --- That we. Literally, "and we have desired
him." Notwithstanding his ab... [ Continue Reading ]
_Not. The whole life of Christ was spent in the midst of poverty, and
contradictions, Hebrews iv. 15. He has thus taught us to despise
ourselves._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sorrows. Healing them by his own afflictions, Matthew viii. 15.
Sickness is an effect of sin, which Jesus came to destroy, 1 Peter ii.
24 --- Leper, who was bound to have his face covered, ver. 3., and
Leviticus xiii. 45. --- God. Payva (Def. Trin. iv.) assures us that
many Jews were converted by t... [ Continue Reading ]
_Healed. He inculcates this important truth repeatedly. Christ nailed
the hand-writing that was against us to the cross, Colossians ii. 14.
(Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Astray. We belong to his fold, chap. xl. 11., John x. 11., and Luke
xv. 4.--- Laid. Septuagint, "abandoned him to our sins," as to so many
executioners; (Calmet) "and he, because he had been abused, opened,"
&c. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Will. The pagans were very attentive that the victim should not make
much resistance. (Macrobius iii. 5.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Judgment, or by an unjust and cruel judgment. (Haydock) --- Hebrew,
"from prison and judgment." (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "in humiliation,
(Haydock) or humility, his judgment was taken away," or rescinded, by
his glorious resurrection. St. Philip follows this version in
explaining this passage to th... [ Continue Reading ]
Death. Hebrew, "and he made his grave with the wicked men, and with
the rich man, in his death." (Haydock) --- Grave and death seem to be
transposed; and we might better read, "He was taken up with wicked men
in his death, and with a rich man was his sepulchre." This indeed is
only a conjecture, but... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bruise. Septuagint, "to cleanse him from the wound." (Haydock) ---
God was pleased that he should satisfy fro our crimes. --- Hand.
Christ has died for all, and established a Church which shall not
perish._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Many. Even to the ends of the earth, Psalm ii. 8. --- Strong. Demons,
Jews, &c. Hebrew, "with the strong" apostles. --- Wicked thieves.
Barabbas, &c. --- Transgressors. His executioners. The gospel could
not speak plainer. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER LIII.... [ Continue Reading ]