At the end of the preceding chapter, we are told that Jesus went into
the place where John the Baptist was first baptizing. This place, as
may be gather from St. John, (chap. i. ver. 28. and 44.) was Bethania;
but not the Bethania where the sister of Lazarus resided. The Bethania
where Christ was at... [ Continue Reading ]
_This sickness is not unto death. This is, though he truly die, it is
not designed that he remain dead. (Witham) --- This sickness is not
unto death; because his death itself was not unto death, but rather to
the working of a great miracle, by which men were brought to the true
faith, and thus avoid... [ Continue Reading ]
Some, by the day in this place, understand the time preceding the
Passion of our Saviour; and, by the night, the time of his Passion.
(Theophylactus) --- By this he encouraged his disciples, assuring them
that the day of his sojournment on earth was not yet over; and
therefore that the Jews, with al... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lazarus... sleepeth. It is strange that the disciples could imagine
that Christ spoke of an ordinary sleep, and that he would go two or
three days' journey to awake him. Nothing but the fear and concern
they were under, would make them think so. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
To men indeed he was dead, but to God he slept. For the Almighty as
easily raised him from his grave, as man can raise the slumberer from
his bead. (St. Augustine, tract. 49. in Joan.)... [ Continue Reading ]
When Christ says, _that you may believe, we must not suppose he means,
that they might begin than for the first time to believe, but that
their faith, already begun, might be increased; for the faith of the
disciples still stood in need of miracles, to make it grow more strong
and rooted. (St. Augus... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thomas... said, let us also go, that we may die with him. That is,
with Jesus: this he said, exhorting the other disciples not to fear.
(Witham) --- The words, Thomas and Didymus, have the same radical
signification; both meaning twins._... [ Continue Reading ]
_About fifteen furlongs. About two Italian miles. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_If thou hast been here. These words shew that the faith of the two
sisters was but weak; as if the Son of God was not everywhere: or as
if he could not restore him to life when dead and buried. (Witham) ---
Martha believed in Christ, but not as she ought to have done. She did
not yet believe him to... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thy brother shall rise again. Martha took notice that Christ did not
express, whether immediately, or at the general resurrection, which
she and the Jews generally believed. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I am the resurrection, and the life. That is, the author of both.
(Witham) --- I am the resurrection, I am he who will at the last day
raise him up; I can, therefore, if I will, raise him up now also. (St.
Augustine)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. Martha breaks out into an
act of perfect faith. See Chap. i. ver. 49. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
It was customary to visit, occasionally, the sepulchres, there to weep
over the deceased. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
_He groaned in the spirit, and troubled himself. The Latin and Greek,
both in this and the 38th verse, express a more than ordinary inward
trouble. Christ, as he was truly man, had the affections and passions
of human nature; yet so that he was master, even of the first motions,
which could not rais... [ Continue Reading ]
_Where have you laid him? He asks what he knows, says St. Augustine,
to raise their attention, their faith, hope, &c. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Jesus wept. A mark of his human nature, when he was going to give
them a proof of his divinity, in raising the dead to life. (Witham)
--- The tears of the disconsolate sisters called forth tears from the
tender commiseration of Jesus. Nor was it unworthy the Son of God to
shed tears. See Luke xix.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Take away the stone. He could have done this by his word and command;
or he could have made Lazarus come out without taking off the stone;
he need not to pray, who could do and command every thing. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Father, I give thee thanks, that thou hast heard me. He knew that
what he asked, even as man, must needs be granted; but he prayed for
our instruction. (Witham) --- Christ was about to pray for the
resurrection of Lazarus; but his eternal Father, who alone is good,
prevented his petition, and heard... [ Continue Reading ]
_He cried with a loud voice: Lazarus come forth. His will had been
sufficient. He calls upon the dead man, says St. John Chrysostom, as
if he had been living; and it is no sooner said than done. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Loose him, and let him go. Christ, says St. Gregory, by giving these
orders to his apostles, shews that it belongs to his ministers to
loose and absolve sinners, when they are moved to repentance, though
it is God himself that forgiveth their sins; and they by his authority
only. (Witham) --- Lazar... [ Continue Reading ]
_The chief priests... said: what do we? &c. as if they had said: why
are we so slow, so remiss, and indolent in our proceedings against
this man, when we daily see what numbers he draws after him by his
miracles? (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_The Romans will come upon us, in case he be admitted as our great
Messias, and our King. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_But one of them, named Caiphas, being the high priest, &c. He said
not this, says the evangelist, of himself, but as the high priest of
that year. The spirit of prophecy was given him, and he foretells that
Jesus was to lay down his life both for the nation of the Jews, and
for all mankind. The gif... [ Continue Reading ]
How great is the power of the Holy Ghost? From a wicked mind he brings
forth the words of prophecy. And how great is the power attached to
the pontifical dignity! For Caiphas having becoming high priest,
though unworthy of that dignity, prophesies, not knowing indeed what
he says. The Holy Ghost mak... [ Continue Reading ]
The same words have an impious and sacrilegious sense in the intention
of the high priest, the enemy of Jesus Christ: and a divine and
prophetic sense, in the intention of the Holy Ghost. (Bible de Vence)
--- We here behold the privilege of the office and order, though in a
wicked person: and as we... [ Continue Reading ]
Ephrem was a small city or town in the neighbourhood of Bethel. Some
suppose it to be the same as Ephron, mentioned in 2 Paralipomenon xiii
19., and 1 Machabees v., 2 Machabees xii. 17. Eusebius and St. Jerome
say it was situated about 20 miles to the north of Jerusalem. (Calmet)
--- Here he remaine... [ Continue Reading ]
This was the last Pasch that our Saviour kept upon earth, and the one
on which he suffered death for our salvation. (Calmet) --- It is well
called the Pasch of the Jews, and not of the Lord, since on it they
were laying snares to apprehend their Saviour. (Origen) --- Thus
making this day of festivit... [ Continue Reading ]
He had not then arrived, because He would not expose himself to the
fury of his enemies before his own time. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]