After having answered the questions of St. Peter, Jesus again
addresses himself to his disciples, and bids them not to be afflicted
or troubled, at what he says to them. Many Greek and Latins begin this
chapter thus: Jesus said to his disciples, let not your hearts be
troubled. (St. John Chrysostom)... [ Continue Reading ]
_In my Father's house. He does not say of your Father: for though God
be the Father of all by creation, and of the just, by the grace of
adoption; yet Christ in several places, calls him his Father, in a
quite different sense, that is, as he was his eternal Father, as the
ancient interpreters observ... [ Continue Reading ]
_I will come again: not only by rising the third day, but at your
death, and at the day of judgment: that where I am, you also may be,
and may receive the reward of eternal happiness in my kingdom._... [ Continue Reading ]
_And whither I go, you know, and the way you know. Thomas replied, we
know neither. Jesus saith to him, I am the way. They knew it, says St.
Augustine, (tract. 69.) but they did not know, that they knew it: they
knew their Master, Jesus Christ, and he was the way: they also knew,
that is, believed,... [ Continue Reading ]
_If you know me, you would surely [1] have known my Father also. That
is, (says St. John Chrysostom; St. Cyril; &c.) did you know me to be
his true, and eternal Son, you would always know him to be the Father
from all eternity. And from henceforth, especially from the coming of
the Holy Ghost, you s... [ Continue Reading ]
_He that seeth me, seeth the Father also: [2] that is, he seeth him,
who is not a man only, but who also, by my divine nature, am one and
the same with the Father: so that he who believes, and as it were
sees, or knows by faith, who I am, cannot but know, that I am one with
my eternal Father; not on... [ Continue Reading ]
_Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?
These words confirm the equality of the Father and the Son: nor can
they be expounded of an union of affection only, by what Christ told
them before. (John v. 17. and 19.) As the Father worketh till now, so
I work: and whatsoever thi... [ Continue Reading ]
And greater than these shall he do, because I go to the Father. Christ
speaks of the greatness of visible miracles, and tells them, that
after his ascension, they shall be enabled, even to do greater
miracles than he has yet shewn to the world. He would give this power
to his disciples, who were to... [ Continue Reading ]
_That will I do. He does not now say, this the Father will do: to shew
that the power of both is equal, and the same. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Instead of afflicting yourselves at our separation, and my going to
the Father, you ought, if you truly love me, to testify your
affection, by a faithful observance of my commandments. Behold, this
is the best proof you can give me of your attachment: better far than
any exterior sign of grief and t... [ Continue Reading ]
Paraclete. This is a comforter: or also an advocate: inasmuch as by
inspiring prayer, he prays, as it were, in us, and pleads for us. ---
For ever. Hence it is evident, that this spirit of truth was not only
promised to the persons of the apostles, but also to their successors,
through all generatio... [ Continue Reading ]
_The world seeth me no more, after my death; but you shall see me,
conversing with you for forty days, after my resurrection. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
In that day, when I am risen again, or when the Holy Ghost is come,
you shall know that I am in the Father, and how, and in what manner:
as also, how I am in you, and you in me. Our Saviour Christ, on
several occasions, speaks of different ways of being united, or of
being one; as first, of being on... [ Continue Reading ]
Now that Christ in this place speaks only of this imperfect union of
affection, appears by the following words: _he that keepeth my
commandments, loveth me: and he that loveth me, shall be loved by my
Father, and I will love him, by a recompense of glory in the next
life. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lord, how is it? Literally, what is done, or, what will be done, that
thou art about to manifest thyself to us, and not to the world? This
apostle imagined, that the Messias would make manifest his glory of a
temporal kingdom, not to them only, but to all the world. But Christ,
by his answer, lets... [ Continue Reading ]
The Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name,
as proceeding also from me: and therefore Christ saith, in the next
chapter, (ver. 26) that he himself will send him from the Father. He
will teach you all things, &c. He will give you a more perfect
knowledge of all those truths,... [ Continue Reading ]
The Father is greater than I. [3] According to the common exposition,
Christ here speaks of himself, as made man, which interpretation is
drawn from the circumstances of the text, Christ being at that time,
going to suffer, and die, and shortly after to rise again, and ascend
into heaven, all which... [ Continue Reading ]
_As the Father hath given me commandment, so I do. --- He again speaks
of himself, as man. Arise, let us go hence. Yet by chap. xviii. ver.
1. Christ still continued the like instructions, either in the same
place, or in the way to Gethsemani. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]