Death. The spirit of prophecy changes not the temper. (Calmet) --- Jonas had reason to be grieved, and so had God to shew mercy. In this history and prediction, who would have thought that Jonas had been a figure of our Saviour's death and resurrection, if he himself had not declared it? (Matthew xii.) (Worthington) --- The prophet comes out of the fish alive, as Christ does from the tomb. He was cast into the sea to save those on board; Christ dies for the redemption of mankind. Jonas had been ordered to preach, but did not comply till after his escape; thus the gospel was designed to be preached to the Gentiles, yet Christ would not have it done till he had risen, Matthew xv. 26. The prophet's grief intimates the jealousy of the Jews; as his shade destroyed, points out the law, which leaves them in the greatest distress. The very name fish, Greek: ichthus, is a monogram of "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a Saviour, (Calmet) or crucified." (Haydock) (St. Paulinus, ep. 33.) --- Hence Jonas most strikingly foreshowed Christ. (St. Augustine, City of God xviii. 30.)

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