Time. Among his other conquests, after the victory of Gabaon, Josue defeated the Enacim at Hebron, &c. Many of them fled into the country of the Philistines, and afterwards seized an opportunity of re-establishing themselves, so that Caleb had to drive them out afresh, chap. xv. 14. --- Cities, or inhabitants. We have seen that he did not demolish all the cities, which were built on a commanding situation, ver. 13. --- Enacim. Goliah[Goliath] is supposed to have been of this family, being six cubits and a span high, 1 Kings xvii. 4. (Calmet) --- The Ph\'9cnicians probably took their name from Enak, bene anak, "sons of Enak;" whence Ph\'9cnix might easily be formed. (Bochart) --- Carthage was founded by them, and styled Chadre-Anak, "the dwelling of Anak," (Plautus) as they chose to pass for descendants of that giant, though they were not in reality. Anak means "a chain;" and some have asserted that he wore one, as the kings of the Madianites did when they were vanquished by Gedeon, and the Torquati at Rome, as a mark of honour. But this is uncertain. (Calmet)

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