Uncover not. Take not off your mitres; (Septuagint) let not your hair grow long, (Chaldean) as the Egyptians do in mourning, nor, yet shave your heads, like the priests of Isis. This God forbids, chap. xxi. 5. And Ezechiel, (xliv. 20,) probably with reference to this law, says, Neither shall they shave their heads, nor wear long hair....and no priest shall drink wine when, &c. --- Garments, sacred vestments, which were worn only in the tabernacle or temple. (Calmet) --- The high priests are forbidden to tear their garments at funerals, (chap. xxi. 10,) as this would betray a want of fortitude. --- Perhaps. This does not imply any doubt. (Menochius) See Genesis iii. 3. --- Indignation of God, punishing the people, while there is none to entreat for them. --- Burning of the two priests.

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