Leviticus 23:2
_Holy. The Hebrew, Chaldean, and Septuagint add, "and meet together; or, these are my feasts of assembly." On these days the people were called together to hear the word of God, &c. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Holy. The Hebrew, Chaldean, and Septuagint add, "and meet together; or, these are my feasts of assembly." On these days the people were called together to hear the word of God, &c. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sabbath. Hebrew, "the rest of rest;" a day in which no unnecessary servile work must be done, no more than on the great holidays, ver. 6, 8. (Haydock) --- Called holy, because it shall be really so: in which sense the word is often used, Isaias ix. 6, &c. --- Day; you must not even dress meat, whic... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bread. The obligation of eating none but this sort of bread began at the second evening of the 14th, which was the beginning of the 15th of Nisan, Exodus xii. 6, 12. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_In fire. Septuagint, "holocausts," extraordinary ones, besides the daily burnt-offerings, Numbers xxviii. 19. --- More holy than the five intermediate days, on which servile work was allowed. In this and the former verse, more and most are not specified in the Hebrew and Septuagint. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Land of Chanaan, at which time these feasts began to be observed. (Menochius) See Leviticus ii. 14. --- Before the harvest commenced, first-fruits were offered to the Lord. A gomer containing about three pints of barley was given to the priests, by the nation at large, as each individual was not bou... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sabbath. Onkelos has "the good day," from which the fifty days of Pentecost were counted. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Corn ( polentam). Some translate bruised corn, or a sort of cake. See chap. ii. 4. --- Dwellings, even out of the holy land, which was peculiar to this law. (Grotius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sabbath. Not the ninth day of the week, but the first day of the Passover; from the morrow of which seven weeks or 49 days were reckoned; and the next day was Pentecost. (Menochius) --- They began, therefore, to count on the 16th of Nisan, and end on the 6th of the third month Sivan. All the interm... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sacrifice. Hebrew mincha, which relates to the offerings of corn and liquors. Two loaves of wheaten flour leavened, were presented probably by the nation. This festival was instituted in memory of the law being given from Mount Sinai, which was a figure of the law of grace promulgated by the Holy G... [ Continue Reading ]
_Loaves. The Protestants supply wave loaves, (Haydock) though their Hebrew text has nothing. The Samaritan is more correct. (Houbigant)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lambs. More were prescribed, Numbers xxviii. 27. Josephus joins all together. ([Antiquities?] B. iii. 10.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Use. None of the peace-offerings were burnt upon the altar, as the bread was leavened. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Most holy. Hebrew, "a holy convocation." (Haydock) --- It is generally supposed that it had an octave, though the Scripture says nothing of it._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Memorial, or a memorable sabbath. This third great festival sanctified the commencement of the civil year in Tisri, the sabbatical month, according to the ecclesiastical calculation. (Tirinus) See Numbers xxix. 3. --- The sound of trumpets, which ushered in the year with great solemnity, reminded t... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER XXIII.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Servile is not in the original, or in the other versions, nor in the Vulgate, ver. 30; whence it is inferred, that this day of atonement was to be kept like the sabbath: so that even meat could not be made ready on it lawfully, chap. xvi. 29. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Every. It was difficult for any grown-up person to be entirely guiltless, amid such a variety of precepts, (Menochius) which St. Peter says neither they nor their fathers could bear, Acts xv. 10: and St. James (iii.) observes, in many things we all offend. If any proved so happy as to keep without... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sabbaths. The Church adopts this custom in her divine office. The Jewish day began and ended with sun-set, Exodus xii. 6. (Calmet) --- No part of the ninth of Tisri belonged to this feast, (ver. 27,) which only began at the expiration of it. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Seven days, during which the people were bound to rejoice, but not to abstain from servile work; except on the first and eighth day. (Tirinus) --- Tabernacles: Greek Scenopegia; because, during the octave, the Jews lived in tents, or booths, made of branches, &c., ver. 42._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Most holy. Hebrew, "an holy assembly." The great day of the festivity, John vii. 37. --- Congregation. Hebrew hatsereth, "retention." All were bound to wait till this day was over. In other festivals, it was sufficient if they were present one day. This was the concluding day of the feast of tabern... [ Continue Reading ]
_Eighth. On the feast of the Passover, the 7th day after the 15th was kept holy, because the 14th, or the Phase, made also a part of the solemnity, ver. 5, 8. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Fairest tree, branches of the orange or citron tree, laden with blossoms and fruit. (Tirinus) --- Josephus ([Antiquities?] iii. 10) says, they took branches of myrtle, willows, and palm trees, on which they fixed oranges. This is the fruit which the Hebrews generally understand to be hereby designat... [ Continue Reading ]
_Days. Tostat affirms they might pass the nights in their houses; but most people suppose, the Jews spent the whole octave in bowers._... [ Continue Reading ]
Feasts. In the institution of these feasts, as in the other regulations of Moses, there was something ceremonial, which might be altered, and something moral, which regards even those times when the Jewish religion was to cease. (St. Augustine, q. 43.) --- Hence we must conclude, that the obligation... [ Continue Reading ]