Ignorance. To be ignorant of what we are bound to know is sinful: and
for such culpable ignorance, these sacrifices, prescribed in this and
the following chapter, were appointed. (Challoner) --- Not to be done.
Hence the Rabbins admit sins of ignorance, only against the negative
precepts. But when G... [ Continue Reading ]
_Anointed. That is, "the high priest," Septuagint. Inferior priests
were not anointed, except the sons of Aaron, at the beginning.
(Calmet) --- Ignorance in such a one is greatly to be avoided, as it
tends to scandalize the people. (Haydock) --- The same ceremonies are
prescribed, as on the day of e... [ Continue Reading ]
_The blood. As the figure of the blood of Christ shed for the
remission of our sins; and carried by him into the sanctuary of
heaven._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Seven. A number consecrated in Scripture, (Calmet) and not
superstitious. (Worthington) --- Apuleius (Met. xi.) mentions it.
Septies submerso fluctibus capite. (Calmet) --- Sanctuary, or most
holy place. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Ashes of the victims. They were first laid beside the altar of
holocausts. By this ceremony, the priest begged that his sins might be
removed from the sight of God, (Menochius) by virtue of Christ's
sacrifice, who suffered out of the gate of Jerusalem, Hebrews xiii.
13. The high priest was obliged... [ Continue Reading ]
_Multitude assembled. Septuagint add, "be involuntarily ignorant, and
no one of the congregation perceive the truth, ( or word,) and shall
transgress, by commission or omission, one of all the precepts of the
Lord." Such was the offence of Saul and the people, 1 Kings xiv. 33.
On these occasions, th... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER IV.... [ Continue Reading ]
_A prince. King, magistrate, general, chief of a tribe, or great
family; in a word, one elevated above the rest ( Nasi); as appears,
Numbers i. 4. and vii. 2._... [ Continue Reading ]
_He. Samaritan and Septuagint read, "they shall have," referring it to
the priests._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Him. Moses does not here specify what was to be done with the flesh.
But (chap. vi. 26,) he commands it to be given to the priests.
(Calmet) --- In the sacrifices for the sins of the multitude, or of
the priest, all was consumed; to express a greater detestation of such
offences, (Tirinus) and that... [ Continue Reading ]
_The land. A rustic or plebeian. (Menochius) --- The offences of such
might be expiated by the sacrifice of a goat, ewe, lamb, ram, two
pigeons, or flour, chap. v. 7. and xi. 15. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Of, &c. One Hebrew manuscript, the Septuagint, and Syriac read, "in
the place in which he shall slay the holocaust." The Samaritan has
they slay, both here and ver. 24. and 33, which seems the truer
reading. (Kennicott)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_For a. Hebrew may be "according to, like (Haydock) upon, besides,
after the holocausts." (Calmet) See chap. iii. 5._... [ Continue Reading ]