_That have been accomplished. [1] In the Protestant translation, of
things most surely believed. They have followed Beza, and Erasmus: but
other learned critics have shewn that the same Greek word often
signifies to fulfil; and it is clearly proved by St. John Chrysostom._
Completæ... [ Continue Reading ]
Having diligently obtained. Here we see, that although the Holy Ghost
regulated the pen of the holy writers, that they might not err; they
still employed human means to search and find out the truth of things
they mentioned. Even so do general councils, and the president
thereof, the holy pontiff, d... [ Continue Reading ]
The Almighty appointed Moses that there should be but one high priest
at a time, to whom, at his decease, a successor should be chosen. This
rule obtained until the time of David, by whom, by the inspiration of
God, many were appointed at once. (1 Paralipomenon chap. xxiv.)
According to this regulat... [ Continue Reading ]
Both just,... walking... without blame. [3] Not that in the sight of
God they were exempt even from all lesser failings, which are called
venial faults; but only from such sins as might make them forfeit the
grace and favour of God. (Witham) --- Three things are here to be
noticed: 1. that good men... [ Continue Reading ]
_It was his lot. The priests drew lots for the different functions to
be performed in the same week; and now it fell by lot to Zacharias, to
burn or offer up incense, morning and evening, in that part of the
temple called the holy, where was the altar of incense: Zacharias was
in this part of the ta... [ Continue Reading ]
_And all the... people were praying without: i.e. in that part of the
temple called the court of the Israelites. For the Jews themselves
were not permitted to enter into the first part of the tabernacle,
called the holy, much less into the second part of it, called the holy
of holies; the people the... [ Continue Reading ]
The cause of this fear, was the general sentiment that obtained with
the Jews, that they would die immediately on seeing an angel. (Bible
de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
Thy prayer is heard. We cannot suppose, as St. Augustine observes,
(lib. ii. QQ. Evang. chap i., tom. 3, part 2, p. 249. Ed. Ben.) that
he was praying to have children, when his wife was so advanced in
years; that he did not think possible; but he was praying for the
people, and for the coming of th... [ Continue Reading ]
This was fulfilled not only at his birth, but ever after by the
Catholic Church, celebrating his nativity. (Haydock)... [ Continue Reading ]
After the angel had assured him of the joy this son should bring to
many, he acquaints him of the excellency of his virtue. He shall be
great before the Lord. He did not extend the boundaries of empire; he
did not obtain the triumphs of war, and force captive and degraded
kings to pay him homage: bu... [ Continue Reading ]
Turn the hearts of the fathers, &c. The angel applies these words
(Malachias iv. 6.) to St. John the Baptist; telling his father, that
he shall convert many of the children of Israel, &c. by bringing them
to the knowledge of Christ. Secondly, that he shall go before him, or
be his precursor and fore... [ Continue Reading ]
_Whereby shall I know this? Zacharias could not question the Divine
Power, but he doubted of what the angel told him. (Witham) --- It was
customary with the Jews, when they heard that any wonderful event was
to take place, to inquire whether the Almighty had manifested his will
by any supernatural s... [ Continue Reading ]
The name _Gabriel signifies, the strength of God; or, God is my
strength. The angels are sometimes styled by proper names, in order to
shew their respective duties; thus, no angel could better be appointed
to declare the precursor, as also the Messias himself, than he who was
styled the power of God... [ Continue Reading ]
On account of the many signs the angel had given, that what he said
was true, the unbelief of Zacharias seemed inexcusable; for the angel
appeared in a holy place, in the temple, and during divine service:
he, moreover, foretold what related to the redemption of all the
people, and to the glory of G... [ Continue Reading ]
_After the days of his office were accomplished; i.e. the weekly
ministry; for during that time, the priests lodged in buildings
joining to the temple, separated from their wives. (Witham) --- When
it fell to the lot of any of the priests to offer incense, they not
only separated from their wives, b... [ Continue Reading ]
The word Miriam, or Mary, is expounded by St. Jerome from different
etymologies, to signify in Hebrew, star of the sea, and in Chaldaic,
lady. Both interpretations admirably well agree with her, who is the
glorious Queen of heaven, our patroness and star, to direct us in the
stormy ocean of this wor... [ Continue Reading ]
Hail, full of grace: [5] by the greatest share of divine graces
granted to any creature. This translation, approved by the ancient
Fathers, agrees with the ancient Syriac and Arabic versions. There was
no need therefore to change it into gracious, with Erasmus; into
freely beloved, with Beza; into h... [ Continue Reading ]
_When she had heard. In the Greek text, when she had seen; as if she
also saw the angel, as St. Ambrose observed. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
It may perhaps in the first instance of reflection, appear shocking to
our ideas, that a God should dwell in a human body; but does not the
sun emit its rays into all kinds of places, without any detriment of
its purity? How much more would the Sun of justice, assuming a most
pure body, formed of th... [ Continue Reading ]
_He... shall be called; i.e. according to the style of the Scriptures,
he shall truly be the Son of God. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Those are here called of the house of Jacob, who out of the multitude
of the Jews believed in Christ. This is conformable to that text of
St. Paul: _All are not Israelites that are of Israel, but the children
of the promise are accounted for the seed. (Romans ix. 6, 8.) (St.
John Chrysostom, hom. vi... [ Continue Reading ]
_How shall this be done? She only asks about the manner. --- Because I
know not man. [6] This answer, as St. Augustine takes notice, would
have been to no purpose, had she not made a vow to God to live always
a virgin. (Witham) --- Listen to the words of this pure Virgin. The
angel tells her she sha... [ Continue Reading ]
The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, &c. By the divine power thou
shalt bring forth, and yet remain always a pure virgin. --- And
therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee, shall be called
(shall be) the Son of God. The second person of the ever blessed
Trinity, being united to our human n... [ Continue Reading ]
We find that Aaron, who was of the tribe of Levi, took a wife of the
tribe of Juda, viz. Elizabeth, the sister of Naasson. In the
successors of David we find that Joiada, the chief priest, took a wife
of the family of David, viz. the daughter of Joram; from which it
appears that both the royal and s... [ Continue Reading ]
_Behold the handmaid. With all modesty and humility of heart and mind,
the blessed Virgin consented to the divine will: and from that moment
in her was conceived the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. (Witham)
--- Thus ought the virgin, who brought forth meekness and humility
itself, to shew forth a... [ Continue Reading ]
This city is generally supposed to be Hebron, a sacerdotal town,
(Josue xxi. 11.) situated in the mountains, to the south of Juda, and
about 120 miles from Nazareth. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
_The infant leaped in her womb. [7] According to the general opinion
of the interpreters, this motion of the child at the time was not
natural: and some think that God gave to St. John [the Baptist], even
in his mother's womb, a passing knowledge of the presence of his
Redeemer. See St. Augustine in... [ Continue Reading ]
In the same words she is pronounced blessed by Elizabeth, and by the
angel Gabriel, both inspired by the Holy Ghost, and this not only to
the praise of Jesus, but for his sake, to the praise of Mary, calling
her blessed, and her fruit blessed; and thus, as Ven. Bede asserts,
holding her up to the ve... [ Continue Reading ]
_The mother of my Lord. A proof that Christ was truly God, and the
blessed Virgin Mary truly the mother of God. (Witham) --- Elizabeth
was a just and blessed woman; yet the excellency of the mother of God
does so far surpass that of Elizabeth, and of every other woman, as
the great luminary outshine... [ Continue Reading ]
_In God my Saviour, as appears by the Greek text,[8] though literally
in Latin, in God my salvation. (Witham)_
Salutari meo, _Greek: soteri mou, Salvatori meo._... [ Continue Reading ]
_The humility of his handmaid, [9] i.e. the humble, low, and abject
condition; as perhaps might be translated both in this and in ver. 52.
For the blessed Virgin does not here commend and praise her own virtue
of humility; as divers interpreters observe. See St. Francis de Sales,
in his introduction... [ Continue Reading ]
The wise men of the Gentiles, the Pharisees and Scribes, were
powerful; but these the Almighty cast down, and exalted those, _who
humbled themselves under his powerful hand. (1 Peter v.) The Jews were
proud in their strength, but their incredulity brought on them their
humiliation; whilst the low an... [ Continue Reading ]
The Jews were rich in the possession of the law, and the doctrines of
the prophets; but, as they would not humbly unite themselves to the
incarnate word [Jesus Christ], they were sent away empty, without
faith, without knowledge, deprived of all hopes of temporal goods,
excluded from the terrestrial... [ Continue Reading ]
As then in circumcision, so now in baptism, names are given. And as we
see here, and is all the Old Testament, great respect was had of
names, so must we be aware of profane and secular names, and rather,
according to the _catechism of the council of Trent, take names of
saints and holy persons, whi... [ Continue Reading ]
As Christ was born of the race of David, he is here called the horn of
salvation in the house of David. As Isaias says, _a vineyard is
planted in the horn, chap. v. --- A powerful salvation. [10] According
to the letter both of the Latin and Greek text, a horn of salvation.
But as it is generally ag... [ Continue Reading ]
_That he would save us, &c. Literally, salvation from our enemies. The
construction and sense is, that God, as he had declared by his
prophets, would grant us salvation, or would save us. (Witham) ---
This is not to be understood of temporal, but of spiritual enemies.
For the Lord Jesus, strong in b... [ Continue Reading ]
_To remember his holy covenant, i.e. of his promise, or of the
covenant made with Abraham, that he would bless all nations in his
seed. (Witham) --- At the coming of Christ, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
were made partakers of his mercy. For, we cannot suppose that they who
saw his day, and were glad, sh... [ Continue Reading ]
Jusjurandum quod juravit, _Greek: orkon on in the accusative case, for
Greek: kat orkon, secundum juramentum. Ibid. daturum se nobis, i.e. se
effecturum, &c. Greek: tou dounai emin, &c._... [ Continue Reading ]
According to _the oath which he swore. [11] The words according to,
are no addition to the letter of the text: they only barely express
what is here signified; to wit, that God swore to Abraham, that he
would grant us, or make it come to pass, that being delivered from our
enemies, sin and the devil... [ Continue Reading ]
It is possible, we here see, to have true justice, not only in the
sight of man, or by the imputation of God, but in his sight; and the
coming of Christ was to give men such justice.... [ Continue Reading ]
Jesus is our salvation, and St. John [the Baptist] was sent to give to
the people the knowledge of this salvation: he bore testimony of
Christ; (Theophylactus) by whom alone remission of sins can be
obtained.... [ Continue Reading ]
The rising light,[12] or the rising sun, hath visited us from on high.
The Rheims translation hath the Orient, the Protestant, the
day-spring. Both seem more obscure than they need be. The Latin, as
well as the Greek, hath a noun substantive, by which Christ himself is
signified. Yet the same word,... [ Continue Reading ]
The Gentiles were in darkness, and given to the adoration of idols,
till the light arose and dispelled the darkness, spreading on all
sides the splendour of truth. (St. Basil on Isai.) --- With reason it
is said in this place, _who sit in darkness; for we did not walk in
darkness, but sat down, as i... [ Continue Reading ]
St. John remained in the desert till the 30th year of his age. The
reason why he concealed himself so long was because he feared the
cruelty of Herod; for, though he was not under his jurisdiction, not
being on the confines of Bethlehem, yet on account of the remarkable
events that took place at his... [ Continue Reading ]