By the _whole world, is understood the Roman empire. (Witham) --- This
decree was promulgated in the 752d year of Rome, in the 3970th year of
the world, and the 42d year of the reign of Augustus, when there was
universal peace, and the temple of Janus remained shut for 12 years.
(Jansenius, concord.... [ Continue Reading ]
_By Cyrinus, or Publius Sucp. Quirinus. (Witham) --- This was the
first census made by Quirinus, governor of Syria: nine years after the
birth of Christ, this same Quirinus was charged to make a second, when
Judea was reduced to a Roman province, by the deposition and exile of
Archelaus._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Into his own city, i.e. the city of every one's family. Now Joseph
and Mary, being both of the family of David, were obliged to go to
Bethlehem, the city of David, where by Providence, according to the
predictions of the prophets, the Messias was to be born. (Witham) ---
This decree took place by a... [ Continue Reading ]
The evangelist here mentions the city of David, to remind us how
exactly that was fulfilled, which God had promised to David, that an
everlasting king should be born of him: and the reason why the
inspired writer was content to mention the relationship between Joseph
and David, omitting that of the... [ Continue Reading ]
_In a manger within a stable, or place where beasts were sheltered.
And it is the common opinion that an ox and an ass were there at that
time. See Baronius, Tillemont, &c. (Witham) --- O wonderful mystery! O
astonishing condescension of a God-man! From his birth he takes upon
himself poverty. Had s... [ Continue Reading ]
Because the light of life is risen to us, dwelling in the region of
the shadow of death. (Ven. Bede)... [ Continue Reading ]
On the eastern side of the town of Bethlehem, say St. Justin, St.
Jerome, &c. there was a cave cut in the side of a rock, in which was a
manger used by the people of those environs; so that these shepherds
easily understood the angel, who told them they should find him laid
in a manger. Sts. Jerome,... [ Continue Reading ]
And on earth, peace to men of good will. [1] I had translated, peace
to men of his good will, looking upon the sense to be, that a peace
and reconciliation were offered, and given to men from the good will
and mercy of God. The ordinary Greek copies altogether favour this
exposition. And Bellarmine... [ Continue Reading ]
The word which always was, let us see how it is made for us; that
which we could not see, when it was the word, let us see because it is
made flesh. (Ven. Bede) --- See how particularly the Scripture weighs
the meaning of every word. The shepherds hastened to see the word, for
when the flesh of the... [ Continue Reading ]
They saw this with the eyes of their body, but with their internal
eyes they discovered other wonders, viz. that he, who lay there in
such great poverty, was their Messias, their great King, and the Son
of God. (Barradius)... [ Continue Reading ]
Mary kept all these things, and compared what was accomplished in her,
concerning the Lord, with what had been written of him by the
prophets. (Ven. Bede) --- She considered in her heart the arguments of
faith. (St. Ambrose)... [ Continue Reading ]
_Should be circumcised; which might be done not only in the temple, or
in a synagogue, but in any house. (Witham) --- Many reasons may be
alleged why our Saviour submitted to the painful and humbling knife of
circumcision: 1. to manifest to the whole world the reality of his
human nature, and the di... [ Continue Reading ]
_Of her purification. The blessed Virgin mother stood not in need of
this ceremony, to which she submitted herself, as her Son did to that
of circumcision. (Witham) --- Whence St. Lawrence Justinian in his
sermon on the purification, very well observes: grace raised the
Virgin above the law; humilit... [ Continue Reading ]
_Every male opening the womb. [2] This translation is more conformable
to the doctrine of the Fathers, that Christ was born without opening
the womb; which Ven. Bede calls the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
(Witham) --- See Exodus xiii. 2. and Numbers viii. 16._
Omne masculinum ad... [ Continue Reading ]
This was the offering of the poorer classes.... [ Continue Reading ]
_A man... named Simeon, whom some conjecture to have been one of the
Jewish priests. --- Waiting for the consolation of Israel, for the
happy coming of the Messias. --- And the Holy Ghost was in him, by the
spirit of grace and of prophecy. (Witham) --- The consolation here
expected by Holy Simeon, w... [ Continue Reading ]
_And he had received an answer,... that he should not see death; i.e.
die. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_And he came by the spirit, or moved by the holy Spirit. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thy salvation; i.e. the Saviour, whom thou hast sent. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Before the face of all people; not of Israel only, but also as a
light to be revealed to the Gentiles, the spiritual children of
Abraham: to whom also the promises were made. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
In the Greek, _Joseph and the mother of Jesus. (Bible de Vence)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Is set for the ruin. Christ came for the redemption and salvation of
all men: but Simeon prophesies what would happen in consequence of the
wilful blindness and obstinacy of many. (Witham) --- Not that God sent
his Son for the fall of any man; but that many, by their own
perverseness, in wilfully r... [ Continue Reading ]
And thy own soul a sword shall pierce. These words, which figuratively
express the grief of the blessed Virgin mother, when present at the
death of her Son, are to be taken by way of a parenthesis. --- That
out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed, and these are to be
joined with what went before... [ Continue Reading ]
_Anna, a prophetess. She was another witness that Jesus was the
Messias, venerable for age, and more for her piety. --- And had lived
with her husband seven years from her virginity; i.e. had been seven
years a wife: and from the death of her husband, had remained always a
widow: now 84 years of age... [ Continue Reading ]
_The child grew, and waxed strong, full of wisdom, and (ver. 52)
increased in wisdom and age. The Arians from this, pretend to prove
that Christ was not truly God, who cannot advance or increase in
wisdom. The true meaning is, that Jesus, as he advanced in age as man,
gave greater marks of his divin... [ Continue Reading ]
How can we account for what is related in this verse, that his parents
went up every year to Jerusalem, during the childhood of Jesus, when,
as we are taught in other parts, his parents did not dare to fix their
abode in Jerusalem, for fear of Archelaus: but this, says St.
Augustine, will not be ver... [ Continue Reading ]
It may be asked how the blessed Virgin and St. Joseph could possibly
have come so far without missing him; but we must take notice, that
when the people went up to the temple from remote parts of Judea, the
men went in one company, and the women in a separate company, whilst
the children went in eit... [ Continue Reading ]
_I must be about the things that are my Father's? By these words he
shewed, that not St. Joseph, but only God, was his father. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_They understood not, &c. That is, knew not when, or by what means,
Christ designed to make himself known to the world. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Was subject to them. Astonishing humility! which the Son of God was
pleased to teach by his example, as also obedience to parents.
(Witham) --- The evangelist relates nothing of our Saviour from the
age of twelve till the age of thirty, except that he was subject to
St. Joseph and the blessed Virgi... [ Continue Reading ]
Not that he was wiser at any future period of his life, that he was at
the moment of his conception, but this is said, because he chose to
manifest increasing signs of wisdom as he increased in years. --- In
the same manner also he increased in grace, by displaying, as he
advanced in age, the gifts... [ Continue Reading ]