Mark 10:4

Moses permitted the injured husband to send away his wife, declaring that he had repudiated her. See Deuteronomy xxiv. 1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:5

Because of the hardness of their hearts, and to prevent the excesses they would otherwise have committed with regard to their wives. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:6

But from the beginning of the world it was not thus; for then God only formed one man and one woman, that they might be exclusively and invariably attached to each other.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:7

Hence it is written, (Genesis ii. 24, and Matthew xix. 5.) _A man shall leave father and mother, and adhere to his wife._... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:14

Unless we are possessed of the innocence and purity of little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. By the kingdom of heaven, we may here understand the truths of the gospel; for as a child never contradicts its teachers, nor opposes to them vain reasonings and empty words, but faithfully... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:18

_None is good. Of himself, entirely and essentially, but God alone: men may be good also, but only by a participation of God's goodness. (Challoner)_... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:20

We must recollect, that to the faithful observers of the Mosaic law, not only present goods were given, but the happiness of a future life promised. Hence our Lord with reason inquired,_ whether he had kept the commandments. The innocent life of this young man is deserving of our imitation. (Ven. Be... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:21

_Loved him. We need understand no more by this, than that Christ gave him some marks of his tenderness for him, and for all men by his kind instructions, and invitations to a good and perfect life. (Witham) --- It is worthy of inquiry, how that could happen which the evangelist here mentions, how Je... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:28

Although St. Peter had left but few things, he still calls them his all. For small things have power of attaching us to them, and of exciting our passions; therefore he that forsakes his small possessions, shall be a partaker of the blessings of Jesus Christ. (Theophylactus)... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:32

Christ goes before, to shew his eagerness to suffer the ignominies and torments of his approaching passion, for our salvation. (Theophylactus) --- But the disciples being already forewarned of what their Master was to suffer from the high priest and Scribes, went along the road to Jerusalem, with si... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:35

St. Matthew (xx. 20.) says it was their mother, Salome, but probably at their solicitation, or at least with their connivance and consent.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:43

In vain then do men either seek for immoderate power, or sigh after human greatness; for, not power, but humility, is the sure and only path to the summit of perfection. He then proves to them by his own example, that if they would not believe his words, they might at least learn by his example. (Ve... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:51

Let us endeavour sedulously to imitate the good example of this blind man, who did not ask for honours, riches, or other worldly advantages, but only that he might receive his sight; that he might behold the light with the blessed angels, to which faith alone can conduct us. (Ven. Bede) --- In this... [ Continue Reading ]

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