Though the evangelists generally use the words _pasch and azymes
promiscuously, yet St. Mark distinguishes them, being really
different. The pasch is used for the 14th day of the moon of the first
month. But the 15th day, on which they departed out of Egypt, was the
feast of the azymes, or the unlea... [ Continue Reading ]
They were not so much afraid of the sedition itself, as of the people
delivering Christ out of their hands. (Ven. Bede)... [ Continue Reading ]
_Of precious [1] spikenard. This was a perfume extracted and distilled
from the leaves, tops, or stalks, of the plant or herb called nard. It
was the custom of the eastern people to pour such precious perfumes on
their own heads, or on the heads of their guests whom they had a mind
to honour. (Witha... [ Continue Reading ]
It was chiefly Judas Iscariot that murmured here. St. John only
mentions him; perhaps some others had been excited to complain, by the
traitor. This is certain, that if any concurred in murmuring with
Judas, they afterwards repented, on hearing the answer given
immediately by our Saviour. (Dionysius... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ here answers the apostles, by informing them that he should not
always be with them, but would shortly leave them, as to his corporal
presence, though spiritually will remain with them, and their
successors, to the end of time. (Matthew xxviii.) --- _Behold I am,
&c. He will not always be wit... [ Continue Reading ]
Many of the present day shudder at the thought of the horrid and
inexpressible crime of Judas, in betraying his Master, his Lord, and
his God, and yet do not take care to avoid the like wickedness
themselves; for, as often as for a little gain they neglect the duties
of faith and charity, they becom... [ Continue Reading ]
_Whither wilt thou, &c. By these words the disciples teach us to
direct our every step according to the will of God; therefore does
their Lord tell them, with whom he would eat the pasch, to go two of
them into the city. (St. Jerome)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Were is my refectory: [2] where I may eat the pasch, or the paschal
supper of the lamb sacrificed? Literally, in the Latin, where is my
eating, or my refection? but it is generally agreed that here is meant
a place to eat in. (Witham)_
This is my Body.
Ubi est refectio mea, ubi pa... [ Continue Reading ]
This which I now give, and which you now receive; for the bread is not
the figure of Christ, but is changed into the true body of Christ; and
he himself says, The bread, which I will give you, is my flesh. (St.
John vi.) But the flesh of Christ is not seen, on account of our
infirmity; for if we wer... [ Continue Reading ]
Which shall be shed. With words so explicit, with the unanimous
agreement of the Eastern and Western Churches, how can any Dissenters
bring themselves to believe that there is nothing more designed, or
given, than a memorial of Christ's passion and death? Catholics, who
believe in the real presence,... [ Continue Reading ]
This vine represents the Synagogue, according to Isaias. The vine, or
vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. Of this vine
Christ drank for some time; and though many of the branches were
become useless, there were yet many that still brought forth fruit.
But Christ now going to his pa... [ Continue Reading ]
Jesus Christ is seized upon Mount Olivet, whence he ascended into
heaven; that we might know that the place on earth where we watch and
pray, where we suffer chains without resistance, is the place whence
we are to ascend into heaven. (St. Jerome)... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ permitted his disciples to fall, that they might learn not to
trust in themselves. To strengthen his prediction, he adduces the
testimony of Zacharias the prophet, (xiii. 7.) _I will strike the
shepherd, and the sheep shall be dispersed. (Theophylactus)... This
text is expressed in other word... [ Continue Reading ]
You who were ready to die for me, cannot watch with me! We are here
taught a great duty of a Christian life, and that is, to beg of God,
_that he would give us strength to observe and follow the motions and
inspirations of his Holy Spirit, and never to resist the calls of
heaven._... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord received the kiss of the traitor, that he might not appear to
avoid being delivered up; and at the same time he fulfilled that of
the Psalmist, _with those who hated peace, I was peaceful. (Psalm
cxix. 7.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is Joseph betrayed and sold by his brethren, and pierced in his
soul with a sword. (St. Jerome)... [ Continue Reading ]
This was Peter, as we learn from St. John xviii. 10. He is here
actuated with his usual ardent zeal, calling to mind the example of
Phinees, who by executing justice on the wicked, merited the reward of
justice, and a continual priesthood. (Ven. Bede) --- St. Mark conceals
his master's name, lest he... [ Continue Reading ]
This probably was the owner, or the son of the owner of the garden,
who hearing the tumult came to see what was the cause. It must have
been a young man from the Greek word _neaniskos. (Tirinus)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Though the law prescribed there should be only one high priest, yet at
this time there were many, being appointed yearly by the Roman
governor; and those are here called chief priests who had once been
invested with the dignity of high priest, but were at that time out of
office. (Theophylactus)... [ Continue Reading ]
_Their evidence did not agree. Others translate, their testimonies
were not sufficient; that is, so as to amount to a crime that made him
guilty of death. The Greek, as well as the Latin text, may be taken in
either sense. The high priest, vexed at this, stood up, and asked him
questions, hoping to... [ Continue Reading ]
Thus has iniquity lied to itself, (Psalm xxvi.) as formerly in the
case of the wife of Putiphar against Joseph, (Genesis xxix.) and the
elders against Susanna. (Daniel) (St. Jerome)... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Redeemer was silent, because he knew they would not attend to his
words; therefore does he say in St. Luke,_ If I shall tell you, you
will not believe me. (Theophylactus)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Caiphas, in order to excite their hatred against what was said, rent
his garments, and thus deprived himself of the priestly dignity, by
transgressing the precept; which, speaking of the high priest says:
_He shall not uncover his head, and his garments he shall not rend.
(Leviticus xxi. 10.) (St. L... [ Continue Reading ]
In this one apostle, Peter, the first and chief in the order of
apostles, in whom the Church was figured, both sorts were to be
signified, viz. the strong and the weak, because the Church is not
without both. (St. Augustine, Serm. xiii. de verb. Do.) --- Again, our
Saviour would shew by the example... [ Continue Reading ]