And after six days. St. Matthew reckons neither the day of the
promise, nor the day of the transfiguration; St. Luke, including both,
calls the interval about eight days, Greek: osei emerai okto. (St.
John Chrysostom) --- He took Peter, as head of the apostolic college;
James, as first to shed his b... [ Continue Reading ]
_Transfigured. Let no one think that he changed his natural form,
laying aside his corporeal, and assuming a spiritual form; but when
the evangelist says his countenance shone like the sun, and describes
the whiteness of his garments, he shews in what the transfiguration
consisted. He added to his f... [ Continue Reading ]
Moses and Elias. Jesus Christ had been taken by the people for Elias,
Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He therefore chose the chief of all
the prophets to be present, that he might shew his great superiority
over them, and verify the illustrious confession of Peter. The Jews
had accused Christ of b... [ Continue Reading ]
And were very much afraid. There were two causes that might produce
this fear in the apostles, the cloud that overshadowed them, or the
voice of God the Father, which they heard. Their human weakness could
not bear such refulgent beams of glory, and trembling in every limb,
they fall prostrate on th... [ Continue Reading ]
_And Jesus came and touched. The terrified disciples were still
prostrate on the ground, and unable to rise, when Jesus, with his
usual benevolence, approaches, touches them, expels their fear, and
restores them to the use of their limbs. (St. Jerome)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Tell the vision to no man, till the miracle of his resurrection has
prepared the minds of men for the belief of this. Expose not an event
so wonderful to the rash censure of the envious Pharisees, who
calumniate and misrepresent my most evident miracles. Jesus Christ
also gave a lesson here to his... [ Continue Reading ]
Elias must come first. The prophet Elias will come again in person
before my second coming to judgment, and will re-establish all things,
by the conversion of the Jews to the Christian faith, according to the
common opinion. But John the Baptist who was Elias in spirit, is
already come. See Matthew... [ Continue Reading ]
_Shall... restore all things. According to St. John Chrysostom,
Theophylactus, and others, these words signify that Elias shall
restore all the Jews to the one true faith towards the end of the
world; or, according to St. Augustine, he shall strengthen those that
shall be found wavering in the perse... [ Continue Reading ]
_So also shall the Son of man. Jesus in a most beautiful manner takes
advantage of this conversation, to remind them of his future passion,
and from the recollection of the sufferings of John, affords them
comfort in his own. (St. John Chrysostom)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_And when he was come. Peter, by wishing to remain on the holy mount,
preferred his own gratification to the good of many. But true charity
seeketh not its own advantage only; what therefore appeared good to
Peter, did not appear so to Christ, who descends from the mountain, as
from his high throne... [ Continue Reading ]
I brought him to thy disciples. By these words the man here mentioned
privately accuses the apostles, though the impossibility of the cure
is not always to be attributed to the weakness of God's servants, but
sometimes to the want of faith in the afflicted. (St. Jerome) ---
Stand astonished at the f... [ Continue Reading ]
_Why could not we? The disciples began to apprehend that they had
incurred their Master's displeasure, and had thereby lost their power
of working miracles. They come therefore secretly to Jesus Christ, to
learn why they could not cast out devils. He answered them, that it
was their want of faith, w... [ Continue Reading ]
If you have faith as a grain of mustard-seed. Christ insinuates to his
apostles, as if they had not yet faith enough to work great miracles,
which require a firm faith joined with a lively confidence in God. The
mustard-seed is brought in with an allusion to its hot and active
qualities. (Witham) --... [ Continue Reading ]
See here the efficacy of prayer and fasting! What the apostles could
not do, prayer accompanied with fasting can effect. How then can that
be genuine religion, which makes fasting an object of ridicule? We see
also here that the true Church in her exorcisms follows Scripture,
when she uses besides t... [ Continue Reading ]
Jesus then taking the road to Jerusalem with his disciples, and whilst
they were in Galilee, which they had to pass through, he spake to them
of his suffering, death, and resurrection. (Bible de Vence)... [ Continue Reading ]
_They were troubled exceedingly, not being able to comprehend the
mystery of Christ's sufferings and death, which were so opposite to
the nations they had of the glorious kingdom of the Messias. (Witham)
--- This grief was the consequence of their attachment to their divine
Master. They were ignoran... [ Continue Reading ]
_ They that received the didrachmas, ( Greek: ta didrachma) in value
about fifteen-pence of our money. (Witham) --- A tax, according to
some, laid on every person who was twenty years of age, for the
service of the temple. See Exodus xxx. St. John Chrysostom thinks it
was paid for the first-born onl... [ Continue Reading ]
Then the children. From these words and the following, that we may not
scandalize them, some argue that Christians are exempt from taxes. The
fallacy of this deduction is victoriously demonstrated from the
express words of St. Paul, (Romans xiii.) commanding us to be subject
to the higher powers, no... [ Continue Reading ]
_But that we may not. Jesus Christ pays the tribute, not as one
subject to the law, but as consulting the infirmity of the people; but
he first shews himself exempt from the above example, lest his
disciples might take occasion of scandal therefrom. (St. John
Chrysostom, hom. lix.) --- For me and th... [ Continue Reading ]