_Who, thinkest thou? This altercation for superiority among the
apostles, whilst they were upon their road to Judea, might have arisen
from another cause besides the precedence given by Jesus Christ to
Peter above, as St. John Chrysostom (hom. lix. in Mat.) affirms. A
report prevailed among the disc... [ Continue Reading ]
_And Jesus calling... a little child. In St. Mark (ix. 32) we find
that Jesus did this in the house, when they were arrived at
Capharnaum._... [ Continue Reading ]
_You shall not enter, &c. i.e. you shall have no place in my kingdom
of glory, in heaven, where none shall find admittance but they that
are truly humble. (Witham) --- Our Lord in this and the next chapter
teaches us, 1st, To sit down in the lowest place; 2nd, to bear
patiently with our neighbor; 3r... [ Continue Reading ]
_Greater in the kingdom of heaven, because more conformable to me here
on earth. Humble souls, who are little in their own eyes, are so dear
and closely united to the Almighty, that Christ declares them to be
the most acceptable, the first in merit, not highest in authority or
dignity either in chur... [ Continue Reading ]
_He that shall receive. To receive, in the style of the Scriptures, is
to honour and favour, to be charitable, and kind to any one. (Witham)
--- Who does not admire here the great goodness of God! Jesus, knowing
that he was soon to leave the world, and that his disciples would no
longer have it in t... [ Continue Reading ]
_But he that shall scandalize, shall by their evil doctrine or example
draw others into sinful ways. The words scandalize, and scandal, being
sufficiently understood, and authorized by use, both in English and
French, might I thought be retained. The words offend and offences, in
Protestant translat... [ Continue Reading ]
It must needs be, not absolutely, but the weakness and wickedness of
the world considered that scandals should happen. (Witham) ---
Considering the wickedness and corruption of the world, such things
always will happen; but the judgments of God, though slow, will be
terrible in the extreme. Lento qu... [ Continue Reading ]
_And if thy hand, or thy foot, &c. These comparisons are to make us
sensible, that we must quit and renounce what is most dear to us,
sooner than remain in the occasions of offending God. (Witham) ---
These words more properly mean our relatives and friends, who are
united to us as closely as the di... [ Continue Reading ]
Their angels. The Jews also believed that men had their good angels,
or angels appointed to be their guardians. See Genesis xlviii. 16.
(Witham) --- Observe the dignity of the humble and little, whom the
world despises. They have angels constantly pleading their cause in
the divine presence. They ar... [ Continue Reading ]
_If a man have a hundred sheep. This is to shew the goodness and mercy
of God towards sinners. By the one sheep, some understand all mankind,
and by the ninety-nine, the angels in heaven. (Witham) --- Jesus
Christ manifests his tender regard and solicitude for us poor weak
creatures, by becoming him... [ Continue Reading ]
Even so it is not. Here some may perhaps object, that since the
Almighty does not wish any of his little ones to perish, he must
consequently wish all to be saved, and therefore that all will be
saved. Now this is not the case: the will of the Almighty is therefore
sometimes frustrated in its effect... [ Continue Reading ]
_Offend against thee. St. John Chrysostom, St. Augustine, and St.
Jerome understand from this verse, that the injured person is to go
and admonish his brother. Other understand against thee, to mean in
they presence, or to thy knowledge, because fraternal correction is a
duty, not only when our brot... [ Continue Reading ]
_Tell the church. This not only shews the order of fraternal
correction, but also every man's duty in submitting to the judgment of
the Church. (Witham) --- There cannot be a plainer condemnation of
those who make particular creeds, and will not submit the articles of
their belief to the judgment of... [ Continue Reading ]
_Whatsoever you shall bind, &c. The power of binding and loosing,
which in a more eminent manner was promised to St. Peter, is here
promised to the other apostles and their successors, bishops and
priests. (Witham) --- The power of binding and loosing, conferred on
St. Peter, excelled that granted t... [ Continue Reading ]
_That if two of you. From these words, we learn how superior is public
to private prayer. The efficacy of the former is attributed to the
presence of Christ in those assemblies. The Father, for his Son's
sake, will grant petitions thus offered. (Jansenius) --- The fervour
of one will supply for the... [ Continue Reading ]
_There am I in the midst of them. This is understood of such
assemblies only, as are gathered in the name and authority of Christ;
and in unity of the Church of Christ. (St. Cyprian, de Unitate
Ecclesiæ.) (Challoner) --- St. John Chrysostom, Theophylactus, and
Euthymius explain the words in his name... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Peter knew the Jews to be much given to revenge; he therefore
thought it a great proof of superior virtue to be able to forgive
seven times. It was for this reason he proposed this question to our
Lord; who, to shew how much he esteemed charity, immediately answered,
not only seven times, but se... [ Continue Reading ]
Till seventy times seven; i.e. 490 times; but it is put by way of an
unlimited number, to signify we must pardon private injuries, though
even so often done to us. (Witham) --- When our brother sins against
us, we must grieve for his sake over the evil he has committed; but
for ourselves we ought gr... [ Continue Reading ]
_Ten thousand talents. It is put as an example for an immense sum. It
is not certainly agreed what was the value of a talent. A talent of
gold is said to be 4900 lb.; of silver 375 lb. See Walton's
Prologomena, Dr. Harris's Lexicon, &c. (Witham) --- The 10,000
talents, according to some authors, amo... [ Continue Reading ]
So also shall my heavenly Father do to you. In this parable the master
is said to have remitted the debt, and yet afterwards to have punished
the servant for it. God doth not in this manner with us. But we may
here observe, once for all, that in parables, diverse things are only
ornamental to the pa... [ Continue Reading ]