And in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first
day of the week. According to the letter, in the evening of the
sabbath, which began to dawn on the first of the sabbath; (or of the
sabbaths in the common Greek copies.) This latter translation, which
is that of the Rheims Testa... [ Continue Reading ]
Behold... an angel. The angel did not remove the stone to afford a
passage to Christ when he arose; for Christ most certainly arose
before the angel appeared; but he removed the stone to prepare the way
for the women, and to shew the soldiers that Christ was arisen. He sat
on the stone, that the wom... [ Continue Reading ]
_The guards were struck, &c. Fear and astonishment seized upon them,
because they had not that charity for our Redeemer, of which he is so
deserving; and they became petrified, like statues, at the thought
that the crucified Jesus was arisen from the sepulchre. For these men
guarded the sacred tomb,... [ Continue Reading ]
It is not yours to fear, who love Jesus Christ: let those rather fear,
who through hatred have crucified Jesus. All such, if they do not
repent of their wickedness, must have to undergo the greatest
extremities of pain. (St. John Chrysostom, hom. xc.) --- Those
miscreants fear, because they have not... [ Continue Reading ]
_He is risen, as he said. This is to put them in mind of what they
ought to have remembered, and believed. --- St. Luke is more
particular; and tells us the angel said: remember how he spoke to you,
when he was yet in Galilee, that the Son of man must be delivered into
the hands of sinners, and be c... [ Continue Reading ]
_Into Galilee. It is not without reason that the angel informs the
women that he will go before them into Galilee; for Galilee is
interpreted a transmigration, or a passage. O happy women, who merited
the glorious ministry of announcing to a sunk and distressed world the
triumphant resurrection of o... [ Continue Reading ]
Jesus met them. According to St. Mark, Christ appeared first to Mary
Magdalene; and the particulars are related by St. John. She at first
did not know him, but took him for the gardener: then he called her by
her name Mary, and she knew him: he said to her, touch me not, for I
have not yet ascended... [ Continue Reading ]
There they shall see me. Our Saviour, on the day of this resurrection,
shewed himself alive five different times: 1. to Mary Magdalene; 2. to
the women leaving the sepulchre; 3. to St. Peter; 4. to the two
disciples going to Emmaus; 5. to the disciples assembled together,
when the two returned from... [ Continue Reading ]
_Some of the guards came into the city. It is probable they had
retired a while to some place to consult what to say, and how to avoid
being punished. The chief priests, after consulting upon the matter,
ordered them to say, that when they were asleep, the disciples came
and stole away Jesus's body.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Gave a great sum of money. These princes of the Jewish nation still
persisting in their malice, refused to turn to their Creator by hearty
repentance, and wished to persuade the world that Jesus was not risen,
sacrificing that money to falsehood, which was given for the use of
the temple. For as th... [ Continue Reading ]
It hence appears, that the chief priests themselves were fully
convinced of the fact; for otherwise, they would not have bribed the
soldiers to dissemble, but would have accused the soldiers before the
president of a neglect of duty. (Tirinus) --- How was it possible for
the timid and weak disciples... [ Continue Reading ]
The eleven disciples went into Galilee, yet not till above eight days
after. As to the order of Christ's apparitions, in the gospels: He
appeared first to Mary Magdalene, and to other devout women; the to
St. Peter; next to two disciples going to Emmaus; after that to the
apostles that were all toge... [ Continue Reading ]
_They adored: but some doubted. This, says Theophylactus, need not be
understood of the apostles, but of others, who had not seen Christ
after his resurrection. It may also be expounded of those disciples
who had doubted at the first, and particularly of St. Thomas the
apostle. (Witham) --- These do... [ Continue Reading ]
All power is given to me. The Arians object that the power which
Christ had, is said to be given him by another. The Catholics answer,
that Christ, as man, received this power from God. 2ndly. It may also
be said, that the eternal Son, though he be equal, and be the same God
with the Father, yet he... [ Continue Reading ]
Teach all nations. In St. Mark we read, going into the whole world,
preach to every creature, that is capable of it; not only to the Jews,
but to all nations throughout the whole world, baptizing them, &c. The
Anabaptists pretend to shew from this place, that not are to be
baptized, unless they be f... [ Continue Reading ]
_Behold I am with you all days, even to the end of the world, embraces
two points necessary for the Church; viz. integrity of doctrine, and
sanctity of life; for, if either of these should be wanting to the
Church, it might then be justly said, that she had been left and
abandoned by Christ, her Spo... [ Continue Reading ]