Athersatha. Hebrew hatirshatha. Protestants, "the tirshatha," cup-bearer, or governor, highly (Haydock) "privileged" and honoured by Artaxerxes. (Worthington) --- Hebrew, "And over those who were sealed, (Calmet; Septuagint; or who sealed the deed. Haydock) Nehemias, the cup-bearer." Esdras, Eliasib, &c., were also princes. (Calmet) --- It is not easy to account for the omission of their names. (Menochius) --- They may be designated by different titles. An aristocracy, mixed with oligarchy, was the present form of government. The advice of the ancients, and of the people, was taken. (Calmet) --- Hachelai, is less properly styled Helchias; (chap. i. 1.) where the Septuagint read Chelchias, or Achalia, (Hebrew chacala) as well as here.

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