Priest, the third since the captivity, son (Calmet) or brother of Joachim. (Lyranus) --- Flock-gate, near which was probably the miraculous pool, John v. 2. But the situation of these gates is not ascertained. --- Sanctified it, beginning the work (Calmet) with some religious ceremonies. (Junius) --- It was designed to protect God's temple; and therefore, when finished, they dedicated it (Worthington) with solemnity, as they did all the walls, chap. xii. 27. The like custom is observed on laying the foundation-stone of our temples. (Haydock) Sanctified may also mean, cleared away the rubbish. (Vatable) (Tirinus) --- Hundred. Hebrew Mea. --- Cubits is not in the original, Septuagint or Syriac, (Calmet) though it seems to be understood. The ancient Jerusalem had twelve principal gates, four east, north, and west. There were none on the south, where Mount Sion lay. (Tirinus) --- The priests and others undertook this work, considering their eternal as well as their temporal inheritance. (Du Hamel)

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