Fringes. The Pharisees enlarged these fringes through hypocrisy, (Matthew xxiii. 5,) to appear more zealous than other men for the law of God. (Challoner) --- Our Saviour conformed to this law, Luke viii. 44. Moses shews that these fringes were to be made for the cloak, which was square, and not for the tunic, Deuteronomy xxii. 12. The colour, in St. Justin Martyr's time, was purple. (Dialogue with Trypho) It seems that the Ph\'9cnicians were accustomed to wear such fringes. Sidoniam picto chlamidem circumdata limbo. (Virgil, \'c6neid iv.) (Calmet) --- God ordained that his people should be thus distinguished from other nations. (Tirinus)

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