_Priesthood. If you transgress, or if you neglect to instruct and
watch over those who are employed about the sanctuary, you shall be
responsible for it. (Calmet) --- You must resist those strangers who
would intrude themselves into the office, which I have confirmed to
you by miracles. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sceptre. Hebrew shebet, denotes also "tribe, family," &c. The princes
of families probably bore a sceptre, as we find all magistrates did in
the days of Homer. (Iliad i.; Virgil, \'c6neid xii.) (Calmet) --- All
the other children of Aaron's father, were to be in the order of the
Levites, among whom... [ Continue Reading ]
_Stranger; even born of a woman of the tribe of Levi. (Maimonides)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Priests. Hebrew, "you shall serve in the ministry of priests which I
have given you." The office was not due to them on account of any
superior merit. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Charge, as stewards or dispensers (Calmet) of what is offered to me;
part of which I abandon to your use, as long as your republic shall
subsist. (Menochius) --- First-fruits, or "heave-offerings," which
comprised also the victims, first-born, &c., over which the high
priest had a general inspectio... [ Continue Reading ]
_And are. Hebrew, "This shall be thine, of the most holy things, from
the fire." Some parts of the victims for sin and of the libations were
to be consumed, while the rest was given to the priests. These
libations were not properly styled holy of holies, (which were to be
eaten only in the holy plac... [ Continue Reading ]
_House, perpetually. Hired servants were not admitted to eat of them,
Leviticus xxii. 10. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_The best, ( medullam.) Literally, "the marrow." (Haydock) --- The
fattest and most delicious. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_ First-ripe, ( initia.) "The beginnings" (Haydock) of the fruit of
trees, in the fourth year, Leviticus xix. 24. It may also comprise all
the fruits of the earth. (Calmet) --- First-fruits must be
distinguished from tithes, which were only the tenth part. The former
were offered imm... [ Continue Reading ]
_Vow. Hebrew cherem, "anathema:" man, beast, or land might be thus
consecrated to God, either for sacrifice, or for the benefit of his
priests, Leviticus xxvii. 28. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Beast. The Rabbins restrain this to the ass alone, which they pretend
was deemed the only unclean animal by the Israelites, in Egypt, when
this law was established; and Moses indeed specifies it alone, Exodus
xiii. 13. (Abenezra) --- But we cannot doubt but that camels, and all
other unclean animal... [ Continue Reading ]
Of it; the first-born of man. The child might be redeemed sooner, and
sometimes they waited till after the purification of the mother, or 40
days, as our blessed Lady did, Luke ii. 22. (Calmet) --- Five sicles
of silver, or about 11 s. 6 d. English, were then to be paid, unless
poverty obliged them... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thine. So that thy wife and children, if clean, may eat the flesh.
(Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_A covenant of salt. It is a proverbial expression, signifying a
covenant not to be altered or corrupted; as salt is used to keep
things from corruption; a covenant perpetual, like that by which it
was appointed that salt should be used in every sacrifice, Leviticus
ii. 3. (Challoner) --- Thus God g... [ Continue Reading ]
Nothing. No portion of land, like the other tribes; but only some
towns and suburbs, allotted to thy children in the midst of the
Israelites. They might purchase land as well as others, and might
obtain a property by the vows of their brethren, Leviticus xxvii. 14.
Jeremias (xxxii. 7) and St. Barnab... [ Continue Reading ]
_Deadly sin. That is, sin which will bring death after it. (Challoner)
--- Hebrew, "lest they bear sin unto death," and fall like their
brethren, chap. xvii. 13. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_People; or the Hebrew may be also, "they shall bear their own
iniquity." If they prove negligent in performing their duty they shall
be punished; and if they do not restrain the people from approaching
the tabernacle, they shall be answerable for their offence, and both
shall incur death. (Calmet)... [ Continue Reading ]
_As an. Thus you will perform your duty, as well as if you gave corn
and wine of your own growth. (Menochius) --- Presses. Hebrew yakeb,
means also the tub where wine was kept. Jonathan translates, "as the
ripe (old) wine of the tub of your wine-press;" insinuating that the
wine must be fit for use.... [ Continue Reading ]
_By, &c. Hebrew, "when you have made a heave-offering of the best of
it; nor shall you profane the holy things of," &c. (Haydock) --- This
they would do, if they gave the worst only to the priests. (Du Hamel)
--- There were only three at this time; yet they received the 100th
part of the produce of... [ Continue Reading ]