Hills. But all in vain. (Calmet) --- I am prevented from cursing him; and if I should do it, my imprecations would be turned into blessings by a superior Being. (Haydock) --- Alone, without standing in need of any auxiliaries, and devoid of fear, Deuteronomy xiii. 28., and Jeremias xlix. 31. The Jews had but few connections with foreign nations, keeping at a distance from them, as being of a different religion. (Calmet) --- Indeed, when they applied for aid to the Egyptians, &c., it generally turned out to their detriment, that they might learn to trust in God alone, who would effectually protect them, if they observed his law, as he had repeatedly promised. (Haydock) --- Nations. Israel shall not be like other people. He is under the peculiar care of God, covered with glory, full of confidence, and inspired with the love of independence; so that he will have nothing to do with the rest of the world. (Calmet)

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