Counsel, out of my own head. This he was going to do, (Calmet) that he might not lose his reward, when again he found himself impelled by the Lord to speak what was contrary to his temporal interest. After complying reluctantly, God ceased to strive, as it were, with his rebellious will any longer, and left him to follow the bent of his corrupt heart. Upon which he proceeded to give that infernal counsel, which involved both many of the Israelites and himself in utter destruction. (Haydock) (Chap. xxxi. 16., and Apocalypse ii. 4. --- Days. Hebrew, "Come, I will admonish thee what this people shall do to thy people," &c. Onkelos and Origen (hom. 18. and 20.) give both senses. (Calmet) --- Indeed, the transactions of both people were so blended, when they were fighting together, that to give the history of one would be explaining the fortune of the other. (Haydock)

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