Woody. Hebrew also "extensive torrents." --- Tabernacles. Hebrew ahalim, which some render lign-aloes, or stacte, as St. Jerome does, Psalm xliv. 9.; Proverbs vii. 17.; Canticle of Canticles iv. 14. The aloe-tree, however, was brought from India, and was not common in Arabia. The Syrian aloe was only a shrub; and this tree, of which Balaam speaks, must have been tall and beautiful. --- Pitched. Hebrew, "planted." (Calmet) --- The Septuagint agree however with the Vulgate. (Haydock) --- Side. Cedars grow very large on the top of Libanus, and are always green; the fruit resembles the pine-apple; the wood is incorruptible. (Sionita 6.) By humility we must rise to the summit of perfection. (Du Hamel)

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