Philemon 1:1
_Our....fellow-labourer, or coadjutor. He calls him so, because of the charity and zeal with which he promoted the gospel. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Our....fellow-labourer, or coadjutor. He calls him so, because of the charity and zeal with which he promoted the gospel. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_And to the Church, or congregation of the faithful which is in thy house. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thy charity and the Lord Jesus, [1] and towards all the saints. In the Greek is towards Jesus Christ, and towards all the saints. By the saints he seems to mean, as elsewhere, all Christians; so that the sense may be, of thy faith towards Christ, and of thy charity towards all the saint... [ Continue Reading ]
_That the communication. [2] That is, charitable contributions, done with a lively faith, may become evident, [3] and the good works known, which are in you; that is, done among you. This seems the sense of the following verse, where St. Paul expresseth his joy in hearing of Philemon's charity towar... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wherefore, though I might have much confidence, &c. Now St. Paul disposeth Philemon to grant his request, I am persuaded I might command thee, and thou wouldst not take it amiss. (Witham) --- To command thee, &c. As an apostle of Jesus Christ, I have the power even of ordering thee to forgive Onesi... [ Continue Reading ]
_I rather beseech thee, thou being such a one, [4] as Paul. That is, united to him in spirit, by the same faith and charity; I am therefore confident thou wilt not refuse the request of Paul, now an aged man, and a prisoner, for the sake of Jesus Christ. (Witham)_ [BIBLIOGRAPHY] Cum sis talis ut P... [ Continue Reading ]
I beseech thee, &c. He at length tells Philemon what his request is, and names the person Onesimus, but in such terms as shew how much St. Paul has this affair at heart, and that he will look upon the favour he asks as done to himself. It is, that thou wilt pardon Onesimus, whom I look upon and love... [ Continue Reading ]
Who heretofore was unprofitable to thee, in taking and spending what belonged to thee, yet now, after a sincere conversion, is profitable [5] both to me and thee; to me, by the services he has done me in prison; and the joy I have had by his conversion; and also to thee, because I know thou wouldst... [ Continue Reading ]
_Do thou receive him as my own bowels. That is, as myself. Perhaps by the permission of God's providence (who never permits evil, but for some greater good) he departed from thee for a little while,[6] that thou mightest receive him for ever, being now after his conversion in a way of being made par... [ Continue Reading ]
[BIBLIOGRAPHY] A little while. Literally, ad horam, _Greek: pros oran._... [ Continue Reading ]
Receive him _not now as a servant, but also as a most dear brother, especially to me. Nay I may say, how much more dear even to thee, both in the flesh, having been a Gentile as thou thyself wast, and having been also a servant in thy family. And secondly, he ought now to be dear to thee in our Lord... [ Continue Reading ]
_If, therefore, thou count me a partner, [7] as a brother in Christ, as a member of Christ with thee, receive him as myself. (Witham)_ [BIBLIOGRAPHY] As a partner, ut socium, _Greek: koinonon._... [ Continue Reading ]
_If he hath wronged thee in any thing, as he confesses, put it to my account, to my debtor, I will repay it, and satisfy thee for it. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I, Paul, have written, and testified this with my own hand. Some think he wrote the whole letter, with his own hand, to make it more acceptable to Philemon. --- Not to say to thee, that thou owest me thy own self, the eternal salvation of thy soul, by thy conversion to the faith of Christ. (Witham)... [ Continue Reading ]
_Yea, brother: may I enjoy thee in the Lord, enjoy the fruits of thy friendship and love for me, and rejoice with thee. In this refresh my bowels in the Lord, grant me this satisfaction. I have written freely, and with confidence in thy obedience; that is, ready compliance, in giving him and me more... [ Continue Reading ]