Proverbs 1:1
_Israel. The dignity of the author, and the importance of the subject, invite us to read. (St. Basil) --- Solomon is the first whose name is placed at the head of any work in Scripture. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Israel. The dignity of the author, and the importance of the subject, invite us to read. (St. Basil) --- Solomon is the first whose name is placed at the head of any work in Scripture. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_To know. This is the design of these parables. (Calmet) --- They tend to instruct both the unexperienced and the wise, ver. 5. There are three sorts of wisdom: the divine, which is God himself; (chap. iii. 16.) the supernatural, which is his gift, to lead us into all virtue; and the worldly, which... [ Continue Reading ]
_Subtilty. Discretion to the innocent. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
CHAPTER I. _ Wiser. "Tamdiu audiendum & discendum est, quamdiu nescias, & si proverbio credimus, quamdiu vivas," says Seneca, ep. 77. --- Governments. And be fit to govern others, (Worthington) as well as himself. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sayings. This science was much esteemed, 3 Kings x. l., and Ecclesiasticus xxxix. 2._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Fear. Thus we arrive at charity. (St. Augustine, in ep. Jo. ix.; Job xxviii. 28., &c.) This fear includes religion, but not barren speculations. (Calmet) --- It implies a desire to act, and not simply to understand._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mother. The first precept is to learn of our elders, and the second to resist evil counsels, ver. 10. (Worthington) --- Our parents have the greatest influence over us. Solomon presupposes that they are virtuous and well informed. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Entice. Hebrew, "deceive." (Calmet) --- Pessimum inimicorum genus laudantes. (Tacitus, in vit. Agric.)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Pit. Grave, or hell, like Dathan, Numbers xvi. This shews the greatest rage, Job xxxi. 31._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Wings. If thou attend, therefore, to my instructions, their arts will be vain. (Ven. Bede) --- They unjustly seek to deceive the pious. (Calmet) --- Watchfulness will be the best protection against them. (Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Possessors. Of money. (Calmet) --- While they attempt to invade another's property, they ruin themselves, and come to the gallows. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Streets. In every place we may learn wisdom. "The wise learn more from fools, than fools do from the wise," as Cato well observed. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Fools. Hebrew, "and scorners delight in their scorning." (Protestants) --- Such are the pests of society. (Haydock) --- They turn piety to ridicule, and will talk about things which they do not understand, like our esprits forts, (Calmet) or pretended philosophers. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Mock. God is too much above us to act thus; but he will treat us as an enraged enemy. (Calmet) --- In hell, the damned will cry in vain, ver. 28. They had sufficient graces offered while they were alive. (Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Find me. Because their repentance was false, like that of Antiochus, 2 Machabees ix. 13., and Psalm xi. 4. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Despised. Literally, "destracted," (Haydock) supposing my threats would not be put in execution. Hebrew, "they abhorred." (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Turning. Hebrew, "the ease of the simple," who have given way to deceit. (Calmet) --- Them. The objects of their eager desires, prove their ruin, Ezechiel xvi. 49._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Evils. Both the just and the wicked, (ver. 31.; Haydock) shall be treated according to their deserts, 2 Corinthians v. 10. (Worthington) --- Even in this world, the just enjoy the peace of a good conscience. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]