_David. Some Greek copies add, "a psalm or alleluia of Zacharias in
the dispersion," when the Israelites were at Babylon. But Theodoret
greatly disapproves of those additions, and explains this psalm of
king Josias, while others refer it to David, though it may have no
reference to any historical fa... [ Continue Reading ]
_Off. Before they were formed. (St. Chrysostom) --- Line. Or the
measure of my life and actions. (Calmet) --- Hebrew, "my lying down,"
alluding to hares, &c., which are followed to their resting places.
(Houbigant) --- Some read, "my direction," (St. Hilary, &c.) or
"limit." (St. Augustine) (Calmet)... [ Continue Reading ]
_No speech, &c., viz., unknown to thee: or when there is no speech in
my tongue, yet my whole interior and my most secret thoughts are known
to thee. (Challoner) --- Vatican Septuagint, "no evil speech." Aldus,
"no deceit." (Berthier)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Last. Hebrew, "what are behind and before:" or, joining it with the
sequel, "thou hast formed behind," &c., which seems not so noble.
(Berthier) --- See Job x. 18. --- Chaldean, "thou hast afflicted me
before and behind, and hast stricken me with thy hand." Hence the
Rabbins have ridiculously infer... [ Continue Reading ]
_To me. Literally, "from me," ex me. Hebrew, "above me," (Haydock) or
"more than I," (Houbigant) which seems little. "The knowledge which
thou hast of me is admirable." (Berthier) --- To consider attentively
the workmanship of man, we shall be filled with astonishment,
(Menochius) as the Jews explai... [ Continue Reading ]
_Face? or anger. (St. Augustine) (Chaldean) (Calmet) (Isaias xxx. 28.)
(Menochius) --- The power of God extends every where, Wisdom i. 7.
(Calmet) --- The third divine person is truly God, and immense. (St.
Jerome) --- As God's knowledge comprehends every thing, so his
presence reaches to all. (Wort... [ Continue Reading ]
God's special providence over his servants.
_ Descend. Hebrew, "make my bed the grave or hell," Job xvii. 13. The
living and the dead are equally in God's power. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_In the morning. Shachar is so rendered by St. Jerome. (Haydock) ---
Some would understand "the black eagle," (Lyranus) or the east,
(Origen) or aurora. The poets assign wings to the sun, &c., Malachias
iv. 2. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Cover. Literally, tread me under foot," conculcabunt. (Haydock) ---
Hebrew, "shall cover or be my aurora." (Calmet) --- Pleasures of the
most secret kind. All is naked before God. (Haydock) --- The prophet
speaks in the name of all who are curious, that darkness itself cannot
hide any thing from hi... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thereof. Alluding to day and night. (Berthier)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Reins, and interior. (Theodoret) --- Nothing seems more hidden than a
man's entrails, or a child in his mother's womb, who is formed by God,
ver. 16., and 2 Machabees vii. 22. (Worthington) --- Protected.
Hebrew, "covered," which may also mean formed. (Berthier)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Magnified. Chaldean and St. Jerome, "hast magnified me." Hebrew seems
less correct, "I have been terribly magnified," though the sense is
much the same. (Berthier) --- I have been stricken with awe and
astonishment at thy works. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bone. Hebrew, "substance." --- And my. Hebrew, "and curiously
wrought." (Protestants) (Haydock) --- Septuagint have read rather
differently, and give a very good sense; "and is my substance in?" &c.
Most explain this also of the embryo. But it seems rather to refer to
the corpse in the grave, Psalm... [ Continue Reading ]
My imperfect being, &c., viz., When I was as yet but an embryo, in my
mother's womb; and even then, in the book of thy knowledge, all the
parts and members of my body were exactly set down; which by
succession of days were formed, and brought to perfection; and no one
of them but what was fashioned... [ Continue Reading ]
_Friends. Many pervert this passage, translating "thoughts," because
the word may have that sense in Chaldean, (Worthington) though the
paraphrase agree with us; (Calmet) and all confess that our version is
accurate. The other may also be admitted. While the dead seem to have
no longer any existence... [ Continue Reading ]
_I rose up, &c. I have taken a resolution to rise up from sloth and
sleep; and to be still with thee, whose friends are so honourable and
so happy. (Challoner) --- I hope to persevere in thy service.
(Worthington) --- With thee. At my rising, I am still employed in the
same manner, and cannot find o... [ Continue Reading ]
_If. Hebrew, "surely." (Houbigant) --- From me. How long shall I be
forced to live among the enemies of the Lord? (Calmet) --- Since he
will reward the good, and punish the wicked eternally, I renounce the
society of the latter. (Worthington) --- He specifies murderers, as he
had described the wonde... [ Continue Reading ]
_Because you say in thought, &c. Depart from me, ye wicked, who plot
against the servants of God, and think to cast them out of the cities
of their habitation; as if they had received them in vain, and to no
purpose. (Challoner) --- Thy cities. Sixtus V, &c., read "their."
(Calmet) --- Schismatics,... [ Continue Reading ]
_Hatred. Christ commands, "Love your enemies;" not those who hate God.
(St. Augustine) --- We must love in them what God loves, and detest
what he condemns. (Theodoret) --- The Jews abuse this passage,
thinking they might hate those who were not of their nation. (Calmet)
--- The example of the proph... [ Continue Reading ]
_Paths. No one knowing, without a special revelation, whether he be
worthy of love or hatred, (Ecclesiastes ix.) the just submit to God's
examination._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Way. If I be in sin, pardon me, and prepare me for heaven.
(Worthington) --- Or I refuse not to be punished, if I imitate
sinners. (Calmet) --- This interpretation seems less accurate.
(Berthier)_... [ Continue Reading ]