No man. Hebrew ish, "a great man," vir, (Montanus) so far from being treated as a nobleman, I am not even respected as one of the meanest of men, ( adam.) (Haydock) --- "Why not a man?" says St. Augustine, "because he is God. Why a worm? because a mortal, born of the flesh, without generation." The ancient naturalists supposed that worms were not generated; and though this be now deemed inaccurate, the Fathers applied this notion to confirm the doctrine of our Saviour's being born of a virgin, which had been clearly revealed. (Calmet) --- People. God afforded Christ no exterior (Haydock) or common consolation, while the wicked persecutors treated him as a worm. (Worthington) --- The rights of humanity are respected in the greatest criminals. But the enemies of our Lord added insult to torments, Isaias lii. 14. (Berthier) --- It would be difficult to apply this to David. For even in the depth of his misery, when reviled by Semei, and dishonoured by Absalom, he was attended by the priests, and by a powerful army. (Calmet)

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