Himself. The Hebrew and Septuagint (Roman and Alexandrian) have simply "of David." --- Ledavid. (Haydock) --- The psalm appears to be a sequel of the preceding, and we may adopt the rule of the Jews, who refer the psalms which have no title, to the same author and events as those which go before. It may relate to the captives, (Calmet) or to David under persecution, though the Fathers explain it of Christ suffering, &c., and rising again. --- My God. Hebrew, "rock." This term is so often applied to God, that it might be added to his other ten titles. (Berthier) --- Lest....to me, is not in the Roman psalter. (Euthymius, &c.) --- Pit, grave; though it also denote "a prison." (Calmet) --- St. Jerome has "be not deaf to me," &c. (Menochius)

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