Finishing. Septuagint, Greek: exodiou or exodou, may also signify "the
going out;" (Haydock) as if the sacred ministers exhorted their
successors to perform their duty in the ensuing week, or on the last
day of the feast of tabernacles, Leviticus xxiii. 36. (Calmet) ---
Hebrew has only "A canticle o... [ Continue Reading ]
_Honour. Hebrew, "strength," which we must acknowledge. (Haydock) ---
The first design of sacrifice is to adore God in spirit. (Worthington)
--- Holy court. Hebrew, "in the holy beauty," 1 Paralipomenon xvi. 29.
Even the priests were obliged to remain in the court, where they
adored God, as sitting... [ Continue Reading ]
Voice. Separating the waters from the earth at the beginning, as the
six other voices may denote the other works of the creation; or all
these voices may signify the various effects of thunder, or may allude
to the terrors preceding the last judgment, (Apocalypse x. 3.) or
attending the establishmen... [ Continue Reading ]
_Power and magnificence. The sacraments of confirmation and the
blessed Eucharist, or the wonderful propagation of the Church, amid
violent persecutions. (Berthier)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Libanus. Which were the most famous. (Haydock) --- Storms often tear
up trees by the roots. (Calmet) --- The effects of the gospel and of
penance, may be described, or the terrors of the last day, when Jesus
Christ will destroy the proud. (Berthier)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Shall reduce them to pieces, &c. In Hebrew, shall make them to skip
like a calf. The psalmist here describes the effects of thunder,
(which he calls the voice of the Lord) which sometimes breaks down the
tallest and strongest trees; and makes their broken branches skip, &c.
All this is to be underst... [ Continue Reading ]
Fire. Lightning, which deals destruction around. (Calmet) --- The Holy
Ghost appeared in the form of parted tongues of fire, to enable the
apostles to convert the desert of the Gentile world, and the Jews,
represented by the desert of Cades, (Worthington) which was near their
country, (Haydock) on t... [ Continue Reading ]
An invitation to glorify God, with a commemoration of his mighty
Prepareth. Hebrew, "delivereth," as a midwife (St. Jerome, 5 Edition,
Aquila) "maketh the hinds to calve;" (Protestants; Haydock) or "to
leap, (from eul; Berthier) or frighteneth." Hinds are sup... [ Continue Reading ]
_Dwell. Chaldean explains this of the deluge, which continued a long
while upon the earth, to punish mankind. Hebrew may also signify, "the
Lord sitteth upon the flood," or clouds, as the Lord of nature. ---
Strength, or abundant rain, (Josue xxxviii. 6.) with all other
blessings; (Calmet) making hi... [ Continue Reading ]