Vehement. Hebrew, "eastern." --- Tharsis, such strong-built ships, as might go to Tarsus, in Cilicia, (Genesis x. 4.; Calmet) or to India. (Menochius) --- The merchants of Tharsis, the naval officers, shall say, &c. There shall be a great commotion, &c., Ezechiel xxxviii. 13, 19. --- The same storm proved fatal to the land and sea-forces of Cambyses. His navy is mentioned by Herodotus, (iii. 11., and 44.) and was probably stationed over against Acco, or Ptolemais, as the king perished at the foot of Carmel. (Calmet) --- Nothing maketh a deeper impression than the sentiments of religion. God's grace enableth the soul to sustain all conflicts, and to overcome. (Worthington)

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