Shiggaion (Haydock) is a word which has greatly puzzled interpreters.
See Robertson in shage. Protestants have, "Shiggaion of David." The
Rabbins confess that they know not its meaning, and it is of no
service for the explanation of the psalm. (Berthier) --- St. Jerome
follows the Septuagint, (Haydo... [ Continue Reading ]
_My God. This title is prompted by love and confidence. (Haydock) ---
All. David had only few followers, while he was pursued by Saul
(Calmet) and Absalom. (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lion. In a spiritual sense this is the devil, 1 Peter v. 8. (St.
Augustine) --- "Let him only see the sign of the cross, or the lamp
continually burning before the altar, he will flee away. Should we
wonder at this? the garments alone of Paul drove him from possessed
person." [Acts xix. 12.] (St. C... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thing, alluding to some calumny, (Haydock) with which he was assailed
(Worthington) by Saul, Absalom, and Semei. (Berthier) --- He disclaims
all such ambitious or unjust sentiments, though he allows that he is
not innocent before God. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_That repaid. This seems better than "my peaceable one," as some
translate the Hebrew, for it would be but a small commendation not to
injure a friend: the pagans do as much. Duport therefore agrees with
the Vulgate, and St. Jerome has, "If I have rendered evil to those who
did me any, and sent my e... [ Continue Reading ]
_Dust. Hebrew adds, "to dwell," (Haydock) as if the ignominy was not
to be effaced. This would be very sensible for a king. (Berthier) ---
Glory is here synonymous with life, or soul, Genesis xlix. 6. Let my
life and (Calmet) reputation be lost. (Worthington) --- Summum crede
nefas animam præferre p... [ Continue Reading ]
Borders. Hebrew is rendered, "fury of my enemies." --- My is found in
some copies of the Septuagint, though the edition of Complutensian and
Aldus agree with the Vulgate, and Bos observes, that an ancient
interpreter rendered the first word as we do. (Berg.) --- Habar means,
"to pass;" and, of cours... [ Continue Reading ]
_High, on thy tribunal, to decide this dispute. The Fathers apply this
to the ascension of Jesus Christ, who will judge the world. (St.
Augustine; Theodoret) (Calmet) (2 Corinthians x. 11.) --- The
interference of Providence (Haydock) will induce many to come to thy
tabernacle, (Menochius) to embrac... [ Continue Reading ]
_Innocence. Hebrew, "simplicity," which has the same meaning.
(Haydock) He speaks of the justice of his cause (Muis) against his
particular enemies. (Worthington) --- St. Paul thus commends himself,
2 Timothy iv. 7. The justice of the saints is not merely imputed, as
the first Protestants foolishly... [ Continue Reading ]
_Reins; affections, (Jeremias xii. 2.; Calmet) and inmost recesses,
which are open to God. (Menochius)_... [ Continue Reading ]
David, trusting in the justice of his cause, prayeth for God's help
against his enemies.
_ Just. This epithet refers to God, in Hebrew. Septuagint might easily
explain it of help, before the words and verse were divided: (Haydock)
yet it is still taken in the former... [ Continue Reading ]
_Strong. Hebrew el, means also " God threatening every day;" (Haydock)
which must be a proof of his patience, as the Septuagint have
intimated, since he could destroy at once. Thus numquid, must be
rendered "is he not?" (Isaias xxvii. 7.) (Berthier) --- God cannot but
be displeased at every sin. He... [ Continue Reading ]
_Except you. Hebrew, "if he be not." Houbigant would read, "God will
not be turned aside." (Berthier) --- "For him who does not change, he
will sharpen his sword." (St. Jerome) (Haydock) --- God threatens
before he strikes, (Calmet) expecting amendment. (Worthington)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_For them that burn. That is, against the persecutors of his saints.
(G.[Calmet?]) --- Hebrew also, "he has made his arrows to turn."
(Houbigant after Symmachus.) (Haydock) --- The ancients used fiery
darts or arrows, Psalm cix., and Ephesians vi. 16. Sed magnum stridens
contorta phalarica venit,_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Iniquity. Hebrew, "a lie." All the labour of the wicked ends in
smoke. See Micheas ii. 1., and Isaias lix. 4. (Haydock) --- The
psalmist sometimes speaks of many enemies, and sometimes of one, who
was the chief. Yet what he says of him must, according to the genius
of the Hebrew language, be applie... [ Continue Reading ]
_Sorrow. The evil which he designed for me (Menochius) will fall on
him, like an arrow shot upwards. (Calmet) --- Crown. Protestants,
"pate." (Haydock)_... [ Continue Reading ]
_Justice. "Truly thou art just, O Lord," cries out St. Augustine,
"since thou protectest the just, so as to enlighten them by thyself;
and so disposest of sinners, that they are punished, not by thine, but
by their own malice."_... [ Continue Reading ]