Begun. By God's grace, I now perceive that my thoughts were wrong. (Worthington) --- I see that we are chastised on account of our sins; (Theodoret) but now I hope for better things. (Tirinus) (Genebrard) --- Hebrew may have this (Berthier) and many other meanings. (Calmet) --- Protestants, "I said this is my infirmity. But I will remember the years of right," &c. De Dieu, "To pray, this is mine; to change the right hand, is of the most High." (Calmet) --- All comfort and every good resolution must come from him. Challothi is derived from eel, by the Septuagint, and from chala, (Haydock) "he is sick," by others. Who will assert that the former are not the most ancient and learned interpreters? The sequel shews that the psalmist begins to entertain better hopes. (Berthier) --- Now have I begun to follow wisdom, and to amend my life. St. Anthony advised all to make this resolution every morning. (Tirinus)

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