Credible. St. Jerome, "faithful." --- Protestants, "very sure." (Haydock) --- A person must shut his eyes not to see the prophecies fulfilled concerning Christ, and his Church. (Eusebius) --- The majesty of God should strike us with a holy fear, and teach us to observe his commandments, and to behave with the utmost respect in his house, (Calmet) which is the whole world, or the society of the faithful. (Berthier) --- Articles of faith are perfectly credible to those whose hearts are moved by grace, (Worthington) though they cannot be understood. (Haydock) --- All the members of the Church should carefully approve themselves to God, who is her spouse, (Worthington) and protector, (Menochius) to the end of the world. (Worthington) --- Days. Since thy power and fidelity are so great, suffer not thy temple to be any longer in ruins, or profaned. (Calmet)

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