Their bodies shall lie in the streets. It is what has often happened to the bodies of the martyrs, and may happen to Henoch [Enoch] and Elias [Elijah], for three days and a half, for a short time. --- The great city. Some understand any city where Christians are persecuted. Others by the following words, where also their Lord was crucified, will needs have to be understood Jerusalem, which they hold shall be rebuilt in the time of antichrist, and where by him shall be put to death Henoch and Elias. But others think it may be expounded of heathen Rome, which in a mystical sense might be called Sodom for its infamous crimes, and Egypt for its idolatries and superstitions, where Christ might be said to be crucified, not as to himself, but in his members, according to what he himself said, Matthew xxv. 40. "inasmuch as you did it to one of these, my least brethren, you did it to me." (Witham) -- City; Jerusalem, which is supposed will be the residence of antichrist, and filled with a great concourse of people. (Menochius)

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